US warns about Putin's new trick at Peace Summit in Switzerland
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US warns about Putin's new trick at Peace Summit in Switzerland


Official Washington accuses the Russian dictator's team of trying to use the UN Security Council to divert the attention of the international community from the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland.

Points of attention

  • The Russian Federation is making every effort to deepen ties with countries that ignore international law and the UN charter.
  • The US calls on other countries to end military cooperation with Russia.
  • The participation of the international community in the future Peace Summit will be crucial for maintaining international peace and security.

The Kremlin is trying to disrupt the Ukraine Peace Summit

Deputy Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations Robert Wood made a statement on this occasion during a meeting of the Security Council.

According to the diplomat, he is not surprised by the fact that the aggressor country called the meeting a day before the arrival of dozens of countries to Switzerland for the Peace Summit.

Today's meeting is a transparent attempt by the Russian Federation to distract the world and blame anyone but itself for what is happening in Ukraine, Robert Wood emphasized.

As the US representative explained, Putin is currently doing everything possible to make the international community believe that Ukraine's efforts to defend itself are a real obstacle to peace.

In addition, the American diplomat warned that the aggressor country is trying in every way to deepen ties with countries that openly ignore international law and the UN charter.

The Russian Federation received dozens of ballistic missiles and more than 11,000 containers with ammunition from the DPRK, — reminded Robert Wood.

He also added that Russia has deepened military relations with Iran by purchasing drones and wants to acquire ballistic missiles.

Russia would have lost the war against Ukraine without the help of its allies

Robert Wood urged the UN not to ignore the fact that China plays a decisive role in supporting the Russian Federation.

As you know, it is the official Beijing that supplies the aggressor country with a significant number of machine tools, microelectronics, optics, as well as equipment for UAVs and cruise missiles.

According to an American diplomat, Chinese aid fills critical gaps in Russia's defense production cycle.

We call on all countries to cease military cooperation with Russia, which supports its aggressive war against Ukraine... The participation of the international community in the upcoming Summit on Peace in Ukraine, hosted by Switzerland, will be crucial to support our common goal: maintaining international peace and security, — Wood concluded.

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