Ukraine speeding up development of updated Neptune missile, expert says
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Ukraine speeding up development of updated Neptune missile, expert says

"Neptune" cruise missile

According to Anatoliy Khrapchynskyy, the deputy director of the Ukrainian company for the production of EW equipment, the development of the modernised Neptune missile, which has been in progress for 14 years, is being accelerated in Ukraine.

Points of attention

  • The modernised Ukrainian Neptune missile was developed 14 years ago and can hit targets at a distance of up to 500 km both on land and at sea targets.
  • The expert believes that Russian air defence systems cannot intercept the Neptune missile since most of the Russian military-industrial complex can shoot down only its missiles.
  • The Ukrainian military-industrial complex offers interesting international ideas for developing missiles and UAVs, which speaks of its high manufacturability and accuracy compared to the Russian military industry.
  • Despite some difficulties in scaling up production, the Ukrainian military-industrial complex is ready to improve the production efficiency of the modernised Neptune missile.
  • Ukrainian weapons are characterized by high efficiency: one shot — one hit, one destruction, which confirms the superiority of the Ukrainian military industry over the Russian in terms of military power.

What are the expectations from the modernised Ukrainian Neptune missile?

There is an opinion that this is a modified Soviet-type Kh-35 missile. However, it is worth noting that most of the components are significantly different from Soviet missiles. The capabilities of this missile are quite wide, it was developed taking into account the possibility of hitting at a distance of up to 500 km. The capabilities of this missile allow it to work both on land and sea targets, depending on the configuration. I think that it is in action, is being actively tested, is being worked out. Because now the conditions are favorable for training in combat conditions with such missiles, — explains Khrapchynskyy.

According to his words in an interview for "Kyiv 24", Ukraine will be able to use this missile to strike strategic objects on the territory of Russia from any distance.

Are Russian air defence systems capable of downing a modernised Neptune missile?

According to Khrapchynskyi, Russian air defence systems cannot intercept this missile.

The majority of Russian military equipment, including air defense, can shoot down only Russian missiles. What the Ukrainian military-industrial complex offers — we can see both in UAVs and missiles — are developments that have interesting international ideas. I am more than sure that the Russian air defense system cannot oppose anything against Ukrainian missiles, — emphasised the analyst.

He noted that Ukraine spent a lot of time developing this system, which currently does not allow it to be put into large-scale production.

In addition, during the seizure of Crimea, some opportunities to increase these systems were lost. But now there is a need, and I think that the Ukrainian military-industrial complex can provide the minimum needs in order to scale up production more actively. I think it's about dozens of missiles. Do not confuse the Ukrainian military-industrial complex with the Russian one. Because Ukrainian is more accurate and technological. We see how the Russian Federation launches a large number of missiles, but few reach. This is due to the low efficiency of these missiles. If we are talking about Ukrainian weapons, then one shot — one hit — one destruction. It is not necessary to compare with Russia, as this is not an effective solution for conducting hostilities, Khrapchynskyy emphasised.

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