Ukraine to improve provision of army with drones and fortifications
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Ukraine to improve provision of army with drones and fortifications

Verkhovna Rada

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine created a Temporary Investigative Commission (TIC) regarding the arrangement of fortifications and the purchase of drones. MP Mykola Zadorozhnyy ("Servant of the People" faction) was appointed chairman.

277 MPs supported TIC creation in the Verkhovna Rada

MP from the "Holos" parliamentary fraction Yaroslav Zheleznyak reported this. According to him, 277 MPs voted for this decision.

MP Mykola Zadorozhnyy ("Servant of the People" fraction) was appointed the TIC chairman.

The composition included eight "Servants of the people" and one representative from all parliament factions and groups. Ours is Roma Kostenko, Zheleznyak said.

Yaroslav Zheleznyak

Yaroslav Zheleznyak

Ukrainian MP from "Golos" fraction

He also said that the powers of the TIC include the study of circumstances and the preparation of questions regarding, in particular, the needs of the security and defence sector in unmanned aerial vehicles and the formation of a state order for the production and purchase of UAVs.

It is also a study of the circumstances and preparation of questions regarding the analysis of the practice of distribution, transfer, supply and taking on the balance of drones to military units and units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations formed following the laws of Ukraine; the arrangement of fortification structures, engineering barriers on the line of contact and targeted use of funds allocated for their arrangement.

AFU Support Forces described the features of building fortifications

According to the AFU Support Forces commander, Dmytro Gerega, Ukrainian engineering and positional units are building strongholds on the 2nd defence line, handed over to mechanized units.

We are installing modern anti-drone defence; I will not tell you in detail so as not to reveal all the secrets to the Russians, but what our units are building will save many lives of our soldiers.

Dmytro Gerega

Dmytro Gerega

AFU Support Forces Commander

The construction of strongholds on the second line is a danger to life. When the Russians see how Ukrainian earthmoving machines work, they immediately try to destroy them. Engineering workers are the priority of Russian occupiers.

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