Ukrainian partisans discover ship repair yard of Russia's Black Sea Fleet in Novorossiysk
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Ukrainian partisans discover ship repair yard of Russia's Black Sea Fleet in Novorossiysk

Source:  ATESH

The Crimean Tatar resistance movement ATESH is closely following the occupiers on the territory of Russia. Now the partisans have found a place where ships of the Russian fleet are being repaired after the strikes of the Armed Forces.

ATESH explored the location of the Russian Navy ship repair yard

The underground movement gathered crucial new information about the Russian military.

The partisan movement reported on Telegram.

ATESH is very closely monitoring the facilities of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Novorossiysk. Our agents managed to find a ship repair yard, which, according to preliminary information, is used to repair ships and manufacture parts for the remnants of the fleet of the Russian army. The facility has security and video surveillance. The territory is also regularly visited by high-ranking officials.

ATESH continues to conduct intelligence and collect data on Russian troops and transfer all collected information to the Ukrainian Defence Forces. Together, they will plan new strikes on the enemy's army and fleet.

Join the ATESH movement and contribute to the fight against Putin's regime.

ATESH discovered the secret production of drones in St. Petersburg

The Russians started the production of unmanned aerial vehicles in St. Petersburg.

Our man from the military communications academy named after Budyonnogo, provided comprehensive information about the fact that the production of drones has been established there. Budyonnogo, provided comprehensive information about the fact that the production of drones has been established there, the report says.

Partisans noted that since their "eyes" are in such institutions, as well as in most strategic enterprises that carry out the orders of the Ministry of Defence, there is an opportunity to respond quickly to the situation and timely transfer information to the right places.

Young people in Russia are not so inclined to propaganda and see all the horror that Putin's criminal government brings. For this reason, more and more young people with an active lifestyle are joining us, adding the agents of the movement.

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