US assesses probability of nuclear strike by Russia
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US assesses probability of nuclear strike by Russia

US Department of State
nuclear weapons of Russia

The US State Department has explained whether there is a real threat of Putin using nuclear weapons after the Russian dictator announced military exercises.

US authorities believe Putin is bluffing again

US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller issued a statement on the matter.

According to him, official Washington sees no signs of Russia's possible use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine.

The journalists asked the American diplomat how the United States intends to respond to the exercises planned by the aggressor country and how much this will complicate the already tense situation.

Matthew Miller noted that the Kremlin's nuclear rhetoric has been reckless and irresponsible throughout the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war.

The State Department spokesperson also officially confirmed that the White House is not going to adjust its nuclear stance in response to Moscow's threats, as there is no point in doing so at this time.

We see no reason to adjust our nuclear policy in response to these statements, and we also see no signs that Russia is preparing to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

Matthew Miller

Matthew Miller

Spokesman of the State Department

Putin announced nuclear exercises in Russia

On 6 May, the Russian Ministry of Defence officially confirmed that an exercise involving non-strategic nuclear weapons will soon be conducted on behalf of illegitimate Russian president Vladimir Putin.

What is important to understand is that we are talking about training with the missile units of the Southern Military District with the involvement of aviation, as well as the forces of the Navy.

To the conviction of American analysts, the Kremlin has again launched a campaign of reflexive control aimed at decision-making in the West, using nuclear threats and diplomatic manipulation.

What is reflective management? This is the mechanism of transferring the reasons for making a decision to the opponent by means of provocations, intrigues, disguises, creation of false objects and lies of any type.

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