US, EU preparing new sanctions against Russia on chips and electronics sales: details
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US, EU preparing new sanctions against Russia on chips and electronics sales: details

Russian flag
Source:  Reuters

From June 12, the USA will announce the expansion of sanctions against Russia, introducing new restrictions on the sale of chips and other electronics to the aggressor country.

Points of attention

  • The US is preparing to expand sanctions against Russia, introducing restrictions on selling chips and electronics.
  • The EU is also preparing to introduce sanctions against the Russian carrier of oil and petroleum products.
  • The new sanctions aim to curb Russian influence and support Ukraine in the fight against aggression.
  • The sanctions include restrictions on trade and transport services related to the Russian energy sector.
  • The decision on sanctions requires the support of all EU member states and the study of the situation in the geopolitical context.

What is known about the expansion of US sanctions on the supply of electronic components to Russia

The new US sanctions will respond to Russia's attempts to circumvent the restrictions imposed by Western countries on the sale of electronic components to the aggressor country.

Interlocutors of the publication from the administration of US President Joe Biden noted that the White House wants to expand the export controls introduced by introducing restrictions against electronic components manufactured in the USA and, in general, against all goods under American brands.

New sanctions are expected to be announced during Joe Biden's visit to Italy as part of the G7 leaders' meeting.

The US is disappointed with the growth of trade between Russia and China, which allows the aggressor country to continue manufacturing weapons for the war against Ukraine.

Exports from China and other countries of machine tools and other production equipment help the country to produce weapons that it previously imported

The changes are necessary to expand the definition of American goods that are subject to export control, the representatives of the White House explain.

Dalip Singh, the White House's deputy national security adviser for international economics, said last week that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy should meet with G7 leaders to highlight the problematic situation Ukrainian forces face in their fight against Russia.

Washington is also ready to announce significant new sanctions against financial institutions and non-banking organizations that are part of the Russian army's technology and goods supply channels.

What is known about the new EU sanctions

According to Bloomberg journalists, the EU is preparing to introduce sanctions against the Russian carrier of oil and petroleum products — the Sovcomflot company.

It is noted that Sovcomflot is the largest shipping carrier in Russia and helps transport Russian oil and oil products for sale to other countries.

The company also provides services for offshore oil production and marine transportation of oil and liquefied natural gas.

The European proposal followed a US decision earlier this year to impose sanctions on Sovcomflot and 14 crude oil tankers found to be linked to the company.

Possible EU sanctions require the approval of all member states, and the plan is subject to change.

The European Union also proposes to introduce sanctions against 13 vessels that transport goods and technologies used in the military sphere, oil and petroleum products, or contribute to the expansion of the Russian energy sector.

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