US to significantly reduce aid to Ukraine compared to the last two years
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US to significantly reduce aid to Ukraine compared to the last two years

The US

The United States will not provide military aid to Ukraine at the level of the last two years, as it seeks to help our country develop its own military-industrial base.

US will not provide support to Ukraine at previous level

We will continue to support Ukraine... as long as it takes. This does not mean that we are going to continue to support them at the same level of military funding that we had in 2022 and 2023, the State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said at a briefing.

According to him, the US does not believe that there is a need to continue support at the previous level, because Washington's goal is to help Kyiv get on its feet and develop its own military-industrial base so that it can independently finance, produce and purchase weapons.

But we are not yet on that path, and that is why it is so important that Congress passes a bill on additional funding, because we have not yet reached the level where Ukraine can defend itself, relying only on its own forces, Miller emphasised.

Biden warned US about possibility of war with Russia

As the head of the White House notes, the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war has a significant impact on the entire NATO, the security of the European Union, as well as on the future of transatlantic relations.

Putin is not only trying to destroy Ukraine, he is also threatening some of our NATO members. When dictators and autocrats are allowed to run roughshod over Europe, there is a growing risk that the United States will be directly involved, Joe Biden warned.

It is worth noting that this is not the first Western leader to think aloud about the possibility of war with Russia.

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