US threatened to "destroy all Russian positions in Ukraine"
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US threatened to "destroy all Russian positions in Ukraine"

Joe Biden
Source:  The Guardian

Official Washington intends to destroy the Russian army in Ukraine if Moscow dares to use nuclear weapons, Radoslav Sikorsky says.

Biden's team intimidated the Kremlin after Putin's new nuclear threats

According to the head of Polish diplomacy, Radoslaw Sikorski, official Washington "threatened to destroy all Russian troops in Ukraine during private talks with Moscow" if dictator Vladimir Putin dared to use nuclear weapons.

Against the background of the lack of significant success on the Ukrainian front and the provision of new large-scale aid to the Armed Forces of Ukraine by Kyiv's allies, including the United States, the illegitimate president of the Russian Federation once again mentioned nuclear weapons as a method of blackmail.

Radoslav Sikorsky said that he is skeptical of Moscow's new threats to use nuclear weapons.

According to the diplomat, the probability of such a development is extremely low, because the White House has already warned the Kremlin about the fatal consequences of such a decision.

The Americans told the Russians: "if you use nuclear weapons, even if they don't kill anyone, we will hit all your positions in Ukraine with conventional weapons, we will destroy them all."

Radoslav Sikorskyi

Radoslav Sikorskyi

Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland

The head of Polish diplomacy also added that official Warsaw supports Ukraine's right to strike military targets inside the Russian Federation.

NATO also wants Ukraine to be allowed to strike Russia with Western weapons

The Secretary General of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, began to insist that the allies of the bloc, which supply their weapons to Ukraine, finally consider the issue of lifting the ban on their use to damage military facilities on the territory of Russia.

It is time for the Allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions they have imposed on the use of weapons they have provided to Ukraine, Stoltenberg said.

According to him, this will be an extremely important decision for the Armed Forces, especially against the background of the new offensive of the Russian Federation in the Kharkiv region.

Jens Stoltenberg added that Kyiv's allies should do everything possible to ensure that Ukraine has all possible tools for self-defence.

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