Xi Jinping made a cynical statement about Ukraine during his visit to Russia
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Xi Jinping made a cynical statement about Ukraine during his visit to Russia

Xi Jinping continues to pretend to be a peacemaker
Source:  online.ua

During the BRICS summit held in Russia, Chinese President Xi Jinping began to assert that it is now extremely important to prevent an escalation in Russia's war against Ukraine. The Chinese leader continues to ignore the fact that he has been helping dictator Vladimir Putin kill innocent Ukrainians for years.

Points of attention

  • Xi Jinping continues to justify dictator Putin's actions in Ukraine.
  • The de facto Chinese leader continues to support Russian aggression.
  • UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres also made an unannounced visit to Russia.

Xi Jinping continues to pretend to be a peacemaker

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the head of the People's Republic of China cynically calls the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which has been going on for more than 10 years, simply a "conflict".

The conflict in Ukraine is dragging on (...) Therefore, we must firmly adhere to three principles: prevent the expansion of the geography of hostilities, prevent escalation, and prevent provocations that increase tensions.

Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping

Head of China

Moreover, it is indicated that the henchman of the dictator Putin shamelessly pointed out the importance of "de-escalation of the Ukrainian conflict as soon as possible". The leader of the People's Republic of China called to abandon the policy of "adding fuel to the fire".

As already mentioned earlier, on October 22, at the BRICS summit in Russia, the illegitimate president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, discussed the situation in Ukraine and "further contacts to continue the dialogue" with the leader of China, Xi Jinping.

By the way, official Beijing continues to promote its "peace plan", and its leader Xi Jinping is negotiating with the Russian dictator to deepen the partnership.

The UN Secretary General also arrived at the BRICS summit

On October 23, it became known that UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres arrived on an unannounced visit to Russian Kazan on the day of the start of the three-day BRICS summit.

As the journalists managed to find out, it is there that he intends to hold a meeting with the illegitimate president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine immediately reacted to this decision.

The diplomatic office recalled that Antonio Guterres rejected the invitation of Volodymyr Zelenskyi's team to the first Global Peace Summit in Switzerland.

He did, however, accept an invitation to Kazan from war criminal Putin. This is a wrong choice that does not contribute to the cause of peace. This only harms the reputation of the UN, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized.

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