A total mess. Orbán fears the overthrow of the Hungarian government
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A total mess. Orbán fears the overthrow of the Hungarian government

The conflict between Orbán and the EU has significantly escalated
Source:  online.ua

Hungarian leader Viktor Orban began to cynically accuse the EU authorities of intending to "overthrow" his government. He made this statement in response to criticism from official Brussels.

Points of attention

  • Orbán is in conflict with the European Union, claiming that his team was shocked by the actions of the European Parliament
  • He accuses the president of the European Commission and the leader of the European People's Party of conspiracy.
  • Orban claims that the results of the votes in the European Parliament lead to "total chaos".

The conflict between Orbán and the EU has significantly escalated

The Prime Minister of Hungary claims that he and his team were "shocked" by what is happening in the European Parliament.

Viktor Orbán also complained that his own ideas about Europe and European politics were not justified.

We thought there were smart people there, and that the political debate was of a higher quality... It was all a total mess.

Viktor Orban

Viktor Orban

Prime Minister of Hungary

According to Orbán, he was in "culture shock" for a while, but now he has "recovered from it".

The Hungarian Prime Minister has already found someone to blame

Viktor Orbán began to cynically lie that the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the leader of the European People's Party, Manfred Weber, announced that they wanted to "overthrow the Hungarian government" and replace it with the "Brussels government".

They named the members of the new Hungarian government. The European Socialists want to delegate Klara Dobrev, and the EPP wants to delegate Peter Magyar... Brussels wants to delegate a socialist and a member of the People's Party to the Hungarian government, the policy of sovereignty is over, we will have a Brussels government, this is the meaning of what happened, — said the Hungarian leader.

He also continues to assure that Hungarians are satisfied with the work of his team.

In addition, Viktor Orban added that he is ready to enter the debate and fight back against European politicians.

What is important to understand is that Weber recently called the leadership of Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán's team in the Council of the European Union "a complete failure."

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