AFU cut off and surrounded Russian troops in Vovchansk — Forbes
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AFU cut off and surrounded Russian troops in Vovchansk — Forbes

Vovchansk destroyed by Russians
Source:  Forbes

The Ukrainian military besieged up to 400 war criminals of the occupation army of the Russian Federation at a chemical plant in Vovchansk. Dozens of Russian occupiers have already surrendered.

Points of attention

  • The Ukrainian military besieged up to 400 war criminals of the Russian army at a chemical plant in Vovchansk.
  • Dozens of Russian invaders have already surrendered after Ukrainian troops defeated them in fierce battles.
  • The Ukrainian military repelled the breakthrough attempts of the Russian occupiers, who were planning to seize the chemical plant in Vovchansk.
  • The command of the occupation army of the Russian Federation ordered the soldiers to achieve a breakthrough, but the Ukrainian troops prevented these plans.
  • The Ukrainian military constantly comes into contact with enemy EW devices, which the Russian occupiers actively use during the battles in the Kharkiv region.

What is known about the surrounding of the Russian occupiers in Vovchansk

Journalists of the publication, referring to analysts of the Ukrainian Center for Defense Strategies, note that about 30 Russian occupiers have already surrendered after unsuccessful attempts to escape.

The publication notes that during several weeks of fierce fighting in the city, the Ukrainian military blocked the advance of units of the occupation army of the Russian Federation in the area of the Vovcha River.

At the same time, at least two infantry battalions of the Russian occupiers stormed the Vovchan Chemical Plant PJSC on the right bank of the river.

Apparently, the Russian occupiers planned to seize the factory and, from there, force the river to break through to the southern part of the city.

The plan failed when Ukrainian troops—possibly from the 9th Rifle Battalion, the Russian Volunteer Corps, or the 36th Marine Brigade—attacked west of the chemical plant and advanced several blocks to the north, cutting off the Russians in the plant from their comrades to the west , — it is emphasized in the material of the publication.

According to the Ukrainian military, the Russian occupiers are currently surrounded and have no chance to leave the territory of the plant.

The command of the occupation army of the Russian Federation ordered the soldiers to achieve a breakthrough to the west of the chemical plant, but the Ukrainian military repelled 2 enemy breakthrough attempts.

Obviously, it was then that the encircled Russians began to surrender en masse. Although Russian and Ukrainian forces regularly capture each other, they rarely do so by the dozens. The greatest number of prisoners, as a rule, occurs during the siege of large cities and chaotic hasty retreats. That so many Russians surrendered at the same time in Vovchansk, a city that neither side fully controls and that remains disputed, should have alarmed the Russian command. The Russian army should not have bogged down in Vovchansk. And it certainly shouldn't have lost dozens of soldiers in a failed attempt to seize a bridgehead for a subsequent attempt to cross the narrow river in the middle of the city. Whatever the Russians' goals were when they crossed the border in northern Ukraine last month, they not only did not achieve them, but their prospects for success are increasingly distant, the authors of the article note.

What the Ukrainian military says about the key problem during the fighting in the Kharkiv region

According to Oles Malyarevich, commander of the Achilles air scout battalion of the 92nd Separate Air Assault Brigade, on the air of the Espresso TV channel, in addition to the large number of personnel of the occupation army of the Russian Federation, the main problem for the Ukrainian military remains the enemy's electronic warfare equipment.

We mostly work on the Lyptsi, Hlyboke and Strelecha lines. The enemy is trying not to lose what he captured during this month. Active assault operations are currently underway. The enemy is trying to move forward, but it does not look like an attempt to hold back, but rather as the execution of an order to move towards Liptsi, Kharkiv. However, the invaders do not succeed. From our side, we are also taking assault actions at every opportunity to improve our positions, we capture landing after landing, house after house, wherever possible, — Malyarevych explains.

According to him, the Russian occupiers do not build defensive structures but simply dig holes in the ground in the plantings.

The AFU greatly interferes with electronic warfare equipment, which the enemy actively uses against our drones.

There are times when you fly almost blindly. Here, the enemy is using a very powerful EW system, which is unprecedented, something that has never happened in this war. But we are working, we have special operations to knock out these means of the enemy. This is a combined fire impact, and drones, and other artillery means in order to suppress such their systems as "Zhitel" or "Armor". If this is not done, then it is impossible to fly. And if you don't fly, then the infantry dies, that is, you don't cover from the air, you don't knock out the enemy's assault potential, — emphasises Malyarevich.

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