Air Force speaker says Greek F-16s to help strengthen Ukraine's air defence system
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Air Force speaker says Greek F-16s to help strengthen Ukraine's air defence system


The Air Force spokesman, Major Ilya Yevlash, said that the arrival of F-16 aircraft from Greece would greatly help protect our country's airspace.

Why does Ukraine need F-16 fighters from Greece?

He noted on the air of the telethon that F-16 aircraft "are the most suitable for our system, and our pilots are already training on them." According to him, the main task of the Air Force is directly protecting airspace and repelling enemy air attacks with the available forces and means we already have.

Regarding those Greek F-16s. Of course, they would significantly strengthen our air force, would help us fight the enemy's aircraft, including the cruise and guided air missiles that the enemy is using now on our peaceful cities, Yevlash said.

At the same time, he added that these fighters would also help our infantry and army aviation at the front perform their tasks, which are forced to respond to enemy aircraft such as the Su-34 and Su-35.

The possibility of F-16 transfer by Greece: details

The Greek government may decide to transfer up to 32 units of F-16 fighters to Ukraine.

According to News Break, the Greek government intends to sell 108 decommissioned fighter jets: 32 F-16C/-D Block 30, 24 Mirage 2000-5 Mk. 2, and 33 units of F-4E PI2000.

It is said that the price of 108 fighters could be between €2 and 2.5 billion.

The publication noted that the transfer of 32 units of F-16 aircraft to Ukraine is practically not in doubt. It is said that fighters of this type have undergone two design upgrades during their service and have currently spent, on average, about 60% of their maximum service life.

According to journalists, they cannot say with the same certainty about where they can send 24 Mirage 2000-5 Mk.2, among which 14 are new construction and the rest are upgrades of old Mirage 2000EGM/-BGM. It is said that the logical options are the transfer to Ukraine or the sale to India, of course, with the approval of France."

Earlier, experts noted that Ukrainian defenders need to have 200-300 F-16 aircraft.

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