Air Force speaker says Ukrainian pilots undergo final stage of F-16s trainings
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Air Force speaker says Ukrainian pilots undergo final stage of F-16s trainings

Source:  Ukrinform

Ukrainian F-16 fighter pilots studying in Denmark and the USA are already in the final stages of training. They practice shooting down cruise missiles and Shahed kamikaze drones.

What is known about the final stage of training Ukrainian pilots for the F-16

According to Major Ilya Yevlash, the Air Force spokesman, several groups of pilots are currently undergoing training at different stages.

Those who are at the final stage in Denmark and the USA are practicing the tasks they will face in Ukraine. This is the downing of Shahed cruise missiles and kamikaze drones. The terms of completion of training and transfer of fighters have not yet been officially announced.

As for the remaining pilot groups, some are currently taking English courses in Great Britain, and one group in France is learning fighter control systems.

What is known about the training of Ukrainian pilots and the transfer of the F-16

Ukrainian military pilots undergo training in the USA, Britain, France, Denmark, and Romania. In the summer of 2024, Ukraine will have the first six F-16 fighters and 12 trained pilots.

In total, four countries agreed to transfer F-16 fighters to Ukraine: the Netherlands (over 70 jets, some of which are training), Denmark (19 units), as well as Norway and Belgium, which do not declare the exact number of fighters.

The first 10 Ukrainian pilots completed primary flight training in Great Britain at the end of March 2024, and then they went to France.

Zelenskyy said that the Netherlands will provide 42 aircraft. After conditions are met, the planes will be dispatched, providing the necessary infrastructure and completing pilot training.

Arizona National Guard spokeswoman Erin Hannigan announced that the first four Ukrainian pilots plan to complete training on F-16 fighter jets by the summer.

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