Another Russian fake about Zelensky was denied in Ukraine
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Another Russian fake about Zelensky was denied in Ukraine

Volodymyr Zelensky
Source:  SPRAVDI

Analysts from the SPRAVDI Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security refuted another fake spread by Russian propagandists that allegedly high-ranking officials in the US are looking for a replacement for President Volodymyr Zelensky amid the operation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kurshchyna.

Points of attention

  • Ukrainian analysts debunked Russian fake news about President Zelensky's alleged replacement and nuclear provocations at power plants, highlighting Ukraine's commitment to international treaties and nuclear non-proliferation.
  • Cooperation with international organizations like the IAEA plays a crucial role in reinforcing the truth in the information space amidst ongoing Russian propaganda aimed at destabilizing Ukraine.
  • Russian propagandists use fabricated claims to fuel narratives of 'external governance' and spread dangerous lies without factual basis, met with firm denials from Ukrainian officials.
  • The spread of dangerous lies by Russian propagandists aims to shake up the situation inside Ukraine, with Ukrainian officials emphasizing their dedication to countering misinformation and maintaining loyalty to international treaties.
  • Efforts to combat Russian misinformation include denying false accusations of Ukraine's plans to use 'dirty bombs' or conduct terrorist attacks, with Ukraine remaining a loyal member of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

Russian propaganda spreads a fake about the desire of the US to replace Zelensky

The Center notes that Russian propagandists are spreading the new IPSO with reference to the statement of ex-CIA employee Larry Johnson that the US is allegedly considering the possibility of removing President Volodymyr Zelensky from power due to the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kurshchyna.

It is noted that the purpose of this fake is to strengthen the recent denunciation of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the aggressor country about the alleged plans of the US to replace Zelensky with someone else.

At the same time, in their IPSO, Russian propagandists use the statement of ex-CIA analyst Larry Johnson, convicted of molesting a minor, ex-UN inspector Scott Ritter and others.

These individuals have nothing to do with political circles or special services and have been working for Russian propaganda for years, which uses their former regalia and willingness to replicate anything, SPRAVDI emphasizes.

The Center explained that with the help of such an injection, the Russians want to strengthen the narrative about "external governance" and shake up the situation inside Ukraine.

What is known about other high-profile fakes of Russian propagandists

According to the head of the Center for countering disinformation at the NSDC Andrii Kovalenko, Russia may be preparing a nuclear provocation at the Zaporizhzhia or Kursk NPPs in order to blame Ukraine for this.

Kovalenko noted that the Russians' intention to accuse the Ukrainian military of terrorism because of alleged plans to seize the Kursk NPP failed.

This is evidence that Russia may be preparing a terrorist attack, Kovalenko notes.

The false statements of Russian propaganda were also denied by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

The spokesman of the department, Georgy Tykhi, noted that there is another burst of crazy Russian propaganda about Ukraine's alleged plans to use "dirty bombs" or attack nuclear power plants.

We officially deny these false reports. Ukraine has neither the intention nor the ability to carry out any such actions. Russia should stop spreading dangerous lies, Tykhi emphasized.

Tychy added that Ukraine has always been and remains a loyal member of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

We do not have any "dirty bombs" and do not plan to acquire them. When Russia first spread this nonsense in 2022, we invited an IAEA mission that completely refuted the lie. Nothing has changed since then, - added the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

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