Armed Forces of Ukraine denied Russian breakthrough to Vovchansk
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Armed Forces of Ukraine denied Russian breakthrough to Vovchansk

Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier

The alleged breakthrough of Russian troops into the territory of a plant in Vovchansk is not true, according to Nazar Voloshyn, the spokesman for the Khortytsya miliyaty unit.

What is known about the situation in the Vovchansk region

It is noted that reports began to spread on the network that alleged units of the criminal army of Russia entered and established themselves on the territory of the meat processing plant in Vovchansk.

However, according to the spokesperson of the Khortytsia military unit, with reference to the city authorities of Vovchansk, there are no Russian occupiers on the territory of the city.

All the fighting is going on near the city, and just then the city is being shelled. That is, the information about the presence of the occupiers was not officially confirmed. The enemy is trying to spread panic among the population and spread false information, explains Voloshyn.

According to him, the Russian occupiers seek to sow panic and doubts in Ukrainian society.

Currently, the situation is under control of the defence forces. Our defenders receive reinforcements and stabilise the situation in one direction or another. And in the interests of conducting the operation, I cannot say more information, emphasised Voloshyn.

For what purpose did the occupying army of Russia launch an offensive in the Kharkiv region

The spokesman of the Khortytsia, in a comment to the journalists of RBC-Ukraine, noted that the offensive attempts of the occupation army of Russia in the border areas of the Kharkiv region are being carried out with the aim of withdrawing the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) from key areas of the front.

Voloshyn added that in addition to Vovchansk, the enemy also intensified offensive actions in several directions of the front during the day.

He noted that the Russian occupying army in such a tactical maneuver in the Kharkiv region invests the goal of countering the preparation of the AFU for a counteroffensive.

The spokesman of the Khortytsia emphasised that in this way the Russian occupiers expect to reduce the available reserves of the Ukrainian army and reduce the possibilities for countering the Kremlin invaders' offensive in Donbas.

There is a version that also has the right to life. The attempts of the Russian invaders to attack the border areas of the Kharkiv region are aimed precisely at pulling our forces, means and reserves to a new direction of the front line. After all, the enemy actually opened a new front, new hostilities started on our border. At the same time, the enemy did not stop trying to attack on the eastern front. The intensity of their attacks does not decrease in any way, but even relatively increases, Voloshyn emphasised.

Along the borders of the Kharkiv region, the enemy group consists of about 30,000 troops of the occupation army of the Russian Federation.

Only a part of them is involved in offensive actions in the Kharkiv region.

I cannot name their exact number, but as of now it is about five battalions of personnel. It is also not static, because it changes, explains Voloshyn.

At the same time, the spokesman of the Khortytsia noted that the Russian occupiers do not aim to capture Kharkiv.

But, as I already said, in this way they are trying to drag our Defence Forces from other directions to the new front line that they have opened, Voloshyn added.

He also denied statements about a critical situation in the Kharkiv region.

The situation there is stabilising. It is dynamic, but it is stabilising. The General Staff provides official information every few hours about what is happening there at the moment. But the Defence Forces are stabilising the situation, the Khortytsia spokesman assured.

According to him, the Ukrainian military is keeping the situation under control on the Shebekino-Vovchansk line.

During the last day, the enemy dropped about 10 heavy guided aerial bombs on the positions of the AFU in these areas.

Also, measures to comb the urban buildings in the city of Vovchansk to detect the presence of enemy troops are currently being continued.

In general, the situation in the Vovchansk direction is under control. Already in the morning, the loss of the enemy in the Vovchansk area amounted to four people and five units of military armored vehicles, added the spokesman of the Khortytsia.

He also noted that on 13 May, the Russian occupiers dropped 22 aerial bombs on the Vovchan district.

Criminals from the Russian army also continue to attack with MLRS, artillery and with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles.

The enemy there is trying to sow great panic among the population and spreads false information, convincing them of a threat looming across the border.

At the same time, in order to preserve the lives of Ukrainian soldiers, positions were changed in the area of the Lukyantsi settlement. Fighting is currently going on there.

As for the settlements that are temporarily under the control of the occupiers, I will not speak yet, because the situation is dynamic and changing — and we are pushing them to the borders, and they are trying to push us back, Voloshyn explained.

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