ATESH movement reveals new plant for shells production in Russian Tula — photo
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ATESH movement reveals new plant for shells production in Russian Tula — photo

Source:  ATESH

The Crimean Tatar resistance movement ATESH scouted the location of a Russian factory where artillery shells are going to be produced.

Russia will manufacture artillery ammunition at the Tula Arms Plant

ATESH agents report that the Russian command has converted production facilities at the Tula Arms Plant to produce artillery ammunition.

The plant's workshops work 24/7 in three shifts, producing up to 7,000 rounds of ammunition per month. However, they are not of the best quality, slightly better than North Korean ones. Haste and lack of safety precautions have already led to several accidents.

We will continue to monitor the situation and update you with new details.

The occupiers set up an engineering warehouse near Bakhchysarai

ATESH agents provide new data on the work of the engineering staff of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia in the Bakhchysarai district.

Above the Old City, on the Suvlu-Kaya plateau, the key engineering warehouse of the Black Sea Fleet is located. Military unit 63876 is the 758th logistical support center (758 TsMTS), with an address at 3 Lesnaya street, as well as an additional unit at 1 Lesnaya street. Although the addresses differ, it is actually one large warehouse complex.

ATESH recorded active use of EW to suppress communications in the area, indicating the importance of this facility to enemy operations.

ATESH continues to carefully monitor enemy activity to ensure effective resistance.

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