ATESH partisans penetrated refinery's area in Russian Stavropol region: details
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ATESH partisans penetrated refinery's area in Russian Stavropol region: details

Russian Refinery
Source:  ATESH

Representatives of the "Atesh" partisan movement conducted a reconnaissance of a Russian oil refinery in the territory of the Stavropol Territory. The enterprise may become the target of Ukrainian drone attacks.

What is known about the refinery in the Russian Stavropol Territory

Our agent studied the location of the refinery in the city of Svitlograd. According to the agent, the plant is actively functioning and oil is being transported every day, Atesh emphasises.

The partisans add that the active work of the enterprise is evidenced by the numerous transportation of oil products and the shipment of tankers with oil and oil products by rail.

There is a huge amount of security on the territory, which constantly patrols the territory of the plant, even in hard-to-reach places, — Atesh emphasises.

Most likely, this refinery provides the fuel needs of the Russian troops in the southeastern direction of the front.

What is known about the latest drone attacks on objects on the Russian territory

Russian mass media write that the drone "fell" on a gas station in Livny, Oryol region, damaging part of the facade.

Another drone, according to the Russians, also "fell" at the same station when operatives arrived there to eliminate the consequences.

According to the governor of the region, Klychkov, this morning, there was allegedly a "massive attack" on the Oryol region. During this attack, a UAV "fell" on the territory of a gas station in Livny.

According to the governor, part of the facade of the administrative building was damaged. Employees of operational services and the city administration arrived to " localise and eliminate cons.”

During their work, another UAV allegedly "fell" on the territory of the gas station. According to the governor's preliminary data, the driver of the 8th regional fire department reportedly died. According to the official, three more service employees were injured.

This information allows us to assume that a fire broke out at the gas station, although the Russian mass media do not write about it directly.

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