ATESH tracked down new FSB units in occupied Crimea — photo
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ATESH tracked down new FSB units in occupied Crimea — photo

FSB in Dzhankoi
Source:  ATESH

The Crimean Tatar resistance movement ATESH discovered new units in Dzhankoi, formed of Russian FSB agents, designed to protect military facilities. 

Russia transferred additional FSB units to Dzhankoi

ATESH guerrillas monitor the movement of the occupiers in Dzhankoi.

This was reported by the ATESH movement in Telegram.

The agent of ATESH reported that new military units, including FSB officers, have arrived in Dzhankoi, which are involved in the protection of military facilities.

It is noted that this strengthening of security measures is connected with the transfer of servicemen from security tasks to the front line, especially in the Kherson direction, where the enemy is suffering significant losses.

FSB in occupied Dzhankoy

This measure indicates a critical situation at the front for the Russian troops and attempts to compensate for losses by increasing the number of combat-ready units that were in the "rear".

What the guerrillas discovered in Crimea

According to the partisans, the entire area is equipped with day and night cameras, soldiers with weapons, cars in shelters and military rapid response groups.

Representatives of the resistance movement report that every 2 hours, Russian patrols make a thorough sweep of the area, fearing infiltration by the Ukrainian defence forces. In particular, they check not only rural roads and the area near the ‘dragon's teeth’, but also comb the wooded area.

At the same time, the ATES noted the exact coordinates of the Russian defence system object — 45.7529806, 34.4068106

The guerrillas emphasise that despite the temporary, partially dominant situation of the occupiers on the frontline, they are still preparing for the future defence of the cities on the peninsula.

They are well aware that sooner or later they will have to defend themselves not only from the JFO, but also from our people in Crimea. Crimea will be de-occupied, and it is inevitable!

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