Azerbaijan holds conference about France's "decolonisation"
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Azerbaijan holds conference about France's "decolonisation"

French Polynesia
Source:  AFP

A large-scale conference "regarding French Polynesia's right to decolonization" was held in the Parliament of Azerbaijan. The event took place on May 30.

Azerbaijan continues to strain relations with France

According to the latest data, members of the political forces of this overseas territory of France took part in the event.

Journalists draw attention to the fact that it concerns the leaders of the Polynesian party, "Tavini Huiraatira,” who campaigned for the independence of this overseas territory of France and have a majority in the parliament.

On the Azerbaijani side, Ali Huseynli, the deputy speaker of the parliament, took part in the conference.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the event took place against the background of accusations from Paris about Baku's interference in the country's affairs.

According to the general secretary of "Tavini Huiraatira" Victor Maamaatuaiahutapu, he is unhappy with the isolation "due to the colonial policy of France".

Politically, we are a young nation, and we need the support of Azerbaijan. France seeks to isolate us because it wants to continue nuclear tests on our territory, the politician said.

In addition, the vice-speaker of the Parliament of Azerbaijan began to complain that "the imperfection of international legal mechanisms prevents the liberation of French colonies."

How France reacts to Azerbaijan's taunts

French leader Emmanuel Macron's team is concerned about Baku's interest in French overseas territories.

Paris has already accused Baku of interfering in internal affairs by supporting independence movements in these territories.

What is also important to understand is that in 2023, with the support of Azerbaijan, the separatist parties of Martinique, French Guiana, New Caledonia and French Polynesia created the "Baku Initiative Group", the purpose of which is to support "French liberation and anti-colonialism”

French authorities have said Baku is meddling in the politics of New Caledonia, where riots have continued in recent weeks with casualties.

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