Boris Johnson called for Ukraine to become a member of NATO. When exactly
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Boris Johnson called for Ukraine to become a member of NATO. When exactly

Source:  The Spectator

The ex-prime minister of Great Britain offers the West to give Ukraine permission to strike with its long-range weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation and urgently grant membership in NATO, even before the end of the war against Russia.

Points of attention

  • Boris Johnson proposes granting Ukraine NATO membership and permission to strike Russian territory as crucial steps for Ukraine's victory against Russia.
  • Accepting Ukraine into NATO is essential for protecting the country from Russian aggression and sending a strong message to the Kremlin.
  • Johnson emphasizes the urgent need to abandon fear of escalation and support Ukraine with necessary weapons and a significant loan package.
  • The defeat of Ukraine would be a catastrophic failure for NATO, highlighting the importance of preventing such an outcome.
  • By including Ukraine in NATO now, the West can take a significant step towards ending the ongoing conflict and delivering a powerful message to Russia.

Johnson named three conditions for the victory of Ukraine

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson asks Western countries to stop being afraid of the Kremlin's "red lines" and announced three steps that will allow Ukraine to win.

Johnson emphasized that at every stage of the war, the West denied Ukraine weapons such as tanks, planes or missiles with one argument — the fear of escalation. However, the war years showed that the Kremlin does not have any "red lines".

Putin's clamor and saber-rattling turned out to be nonsense, because in reality it is he who fears escalation. If you are really worried about "escalation", then imagine what will happen if Ukraine loses this war — because that is when the escalation will actually begin. Ukraine will not lose, but if it did, we would have the risk of escalation along the entire periphery of the former Soviet empire, including the border with Poland. Wherever Putin would believe that aggression will bear fruit.

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson

Former Prime Minister of Great Britain

He also emphasized that the defeat of Ukraine would mean a catastrophic defeat for NATO and called to prevent this from happening.

We need to get serious and come back to reality, and the first step to common sense is to understand that there is no honorable compromise to be made with Putin. We must abandon any idea that the Ukrainians will agree to an agreement. There is only one alternative, and it is the morally right one. This is the implementation of a triune plan for the victory of Ukraine, similar to the one that I believe President Volodymyr Zelenskyi will present in the United States in the next few days.

The second step, according to Johnson, should be the permission of the West, and first of all the USA, to strike with long-range weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the preparation of a loan package on the scale of lend-lease in the amount of half a trillion or even a trillion dollars.

Third, and most importantly, we need to end the uncertainty that has haunted Ukraine since the end of the Cold War and give final institutional expression to the destiny chosen by the Ukrainian people. We must accept Ukraine into NATO now, and I mean now.

According to him, Ukraine should be included in NATO even before the end of the war, because in Art. 6 states that countries can be members of the Alliance even if security guarantees do not extend to all their internationally recognized territories.

We must do this in the next few months because it is the biggest step we can take to end this terrible war. By accepting Ukraine into NATO, we will send an important signal to the Kremlin that Russians must hear.

Stoltenberg admitted NATO's guilt regarding Ukraine

As the Secretary General noted, the bloc could really prevent a full-scale war. For example, to provide Ukraine with the weapons it requested in order to defend itself against aggression.

Now we provide military equipment for war—then we could provide military equipment to prevent war.

The Secretary General of the Alliance reminded of the reluctance of the members of the bloc to provide weapons, which the Ukrainian side requested before the Russian invasion.

According to him, at that time NATO was really afraid of escalation in relations with Russia.

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