Brutal murder of a Ukrainian prisoner by the Russian occupiers. Lubinets appealed to the ICRC and the UN
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Brutal murder of a Ukrainian prisoner by the Russian occupiers. Lubinets appealed to the ICRC and the UN

Dmytro Lubinets

Dmytro Lubinets, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, reported that a photo appeared on the Internet, probably with the body of a Ukrainian prisoner who was brutally killed by the occupiers. The Ombudsman appealed to the Red Cross, the UN and law enforcement officers.

Points of attention

  • The brutal killing of a Ukrainian prisoner by the occupiers of the Russian Federation violates the norms of international humanitarian law.
  • Dmytro Lubinets appealed to the ICRC and the UN to record human rights violations by Russia.
  • Russia does not follow any rules of war and shows cruel and inhumane actions.
  • Ukrainian prisoners of war face physical mutilation, violence and murder by Russian occupiers in violation of the Geneva Conventions.

Lubinets appealed to international organizations regarding the murder of a Ukrainian prisoner of war

The Ombudsman noted that in accordance with international humanitarian law, no prisoner of war can be subjected to physical mutilation, violence or murder.

A photo, probably of the body of a Ukrainian prisoner whose head and limbs were cut off by the Russians, appeared online. This is not just a violation of the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War, it is inhuman behavior.

Dmytro Lubinets

Dmytro Lubinets

Ombudsman of Ukraine

Taking this into account, Lubinets appealed to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the UN to record yet another violation of human rights by Russia. He also appealed to the Ukrainian law enforcement agencies to verify the identity of the murdered prisoner and the fact of this crime.

Let me remind you that prisoners of war are in the hands of an enemy state, and it is responsible for their treatment! That is, the responsibility for killing and maiming lies not only with Russian soldiers, but with the Russian Federation itself.

Lubinets appealed to the UN and the ICRC regarding the scandalous video

The video recorded beatings, humiliation, threats, and an imitation of a shooting. Unfortunately, such treatment of Ukrainian prisoners of war is not an exception to the rules, but a common tactic for the occupiers. Such actions are a violation of the Geneva Conventions, according to which prisoners of war have the right to humane treatment.

Lubinets sent official letters to the International Committee of the Red Cross and the United Nations to document the abuse.

Russia does not adhere to any rules of warfare and has absolutely no shame in demonstrating its brutal and inhumane actions.

In the video published on the network, you can see that four Ukrainian prisoners of war are being led in a convoy with blindfolds. Men are forced to sing the song "Stand up, huge country". They are kicked, causing one of the prisoners to fall. The soldier is threatened with death if he does not stand up, and then one of the occupiers shoots near his head. The video cuts out at this point.

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