Business Insider published probable scenarios for the end of the war in Ukraine
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Business Insider published probable scenarios for the end of the war in Ukraine

Artillery of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
Source:  Business Insider

According to the journalists of Business Insider, there are currently 4 options for ending the criminal war launched by Russia against Ukraine.

What is known about the likely scenarios for the end of the war in Ukraine

According to the journalists of the publication, the first two options are based on the fact that either Ukraine endures the war of attrition imposed by Russia, or the victory goes to Russian war criminals.

I don't see the Ukrainians surrendering, because for them this is an existential war. This is not an existential war for Russia, analyst Eliot A. Cohen told journalists of the publication.

The authors of the material note that under the third scenario of the development of events, negotiations between Ukraine and Russia on the cessation of hostilities and the settlement of the conflict begin.

The publication emphasizes that the last option is the start of a nuclear war.

What will this mean for Vladimir Putin's regime? I think that the US has already stated quite convincingly that all bets are off if Russia uses nuclear weapons, - emphasized Seth Jones, senior vice president of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

What tactics does the Russian army use in Ukraine

According to the retired colonel of the British army, Glen Grant, in a comment to the journalists of the Espresso channel, the criminal army of the Russian Federation will try to minimize the superiority of the Ukrainian military in more modern and effective samples of Western weapons for conducting a more primitive war.

Grant noted that the command of the criminal army of the Russian Federation does not play a double game and will use all available resources in the offensive.

Russia knows that the Ukrainian front line is stretched, so they are always looking for vulnerable places where Ukraine is not strong enough for their breakthrough, - explains Grant.

He believes that Russia will try to force the West and Ukraine to wage a primitive war. In this context, Grant recalled the attempts of the Russian Federation to launch nuclear weapons into space.

If they do this - and they are guided by the goal of disrupting communication, disabling GPS, that is, actually lowering not only the Ukrainian side, but also the West to their level of hostilities, in other words, trying to take technology out of the brackets of this equation - this will force both Ukraine and the West to move to a more primitive style of warfare, which corresponds to the tactics preferred by Russia, - the analyst notes.

According to the British colonel, the Russian Federation cannot win the technology war, so it will take measures to eliminate the West's technological advantage.

We can witness how Russia will take measures to level technological capabilities, disrupting GPS and satellite communications. Therefore, do not be surprised if such actions take place, Grant warned.

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