Can the Russian Federation attack Azerbaijan? The platoon commander of the Khokhol Armed Forces described the most likely scenario
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Can the Russian Federation attack Azerbaijan? The platoon commander of the Khokhol Armed Forces described the most likely scenario

Elshad "Khokhol" Nurusov

According to the commander of the 23rd SSPB of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Elshad "Khokhol" Nurusov in an interview with, Russia's probable attack on Azerbaijan will be the end of the aggressor country and the criminal Kremlin regime of dictator Vladimir Putin.

Points of attention

  • Russia's probable attack on Azerbaijan is deemed unlikely due to Baku's extensive network of partners and allies, notably the Turan countries.
  • The Alliance of Turan countries, including Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan, serves as a significant deterrent to Russian aggression in the region.
  • Azerbaijanis show support for Ukraine in the fight against Russian aggression, although challenges exist in terms of mobilizing for protection.
  • The commander highlights the importance of understanding the historical origin of the word 'Khokhol" to dispel myths perpetuated by Russian propaganda.
  • The etymology of 'Khokhol' as 'son of heaven' in Turkic languages contradicts the derogatory meaning ascribed to Ukrainians, showcasing the need to correct historical narratives.

Why Russia will not be able to attack Azerbaijan even at will

According to Elshad Nurusov, it is unrealistic that Russia will attack Azerbaijan, as Baku has a large number of partners and allies among the countries of Central Asia.

The eight countries that have about a billion people there... They know this very well. It is simply impossible, - Nurusov notes.

According to him, it is not only that the Kremlin is afraid of attacking Azerbaijan, they are afraid of the coalition of countries of the so-called Turan, which consists of Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan.

That is why now many countries want to be friends with us. We have good relations with Israel. We have a very good friendship, - emphasized Nurusov.

Is it possible to convince Azerbaijanis to come to Ukraine for protection against Russian aggression

This question is like this. It's hard because I can't tell someone to come. Because you know that this is war, - explains Nurusov.

He noted that, on the other hand, many Azerbaijanis support Ukraine in the fight against the aggressor country, and this is very pleasant.

It's very nice. Even sometimes it happens in the comments they write, they thank my parents, thank you for such a son. When I read comments like this, even I want to cry. Cry because I deserve it. So, if anyone wants to come here, what can I say? Firstly, it is difficult to come here now, - stressed Nurusov.

He explained that currently it is very difficult for citizens of Azerbaijan to get to Ukraine, even with a strong desire.

What is important to understand is that Russian propaganda tries in every way to rewrite history and facts, which is why in most Internet sources the word "Khokhol" is found in the meaning of "a derogatory name for a Ukrainian".

This information is not correct, because the etymology of this word is completely different: Khokhol [starotyur. 𐰚𐰸𐰆𐰞, tour. kokol] means "son of heaven" in Turkic languages. "Kok" means "heaven", "ol" means "son" or "descendant".

Katsap [Arab. قَصَّاب‎ (ḳaṣṣāb)] means "butcher" in Arabic. As you know, this is how Russians are called in the countries of the post-Soviet Union for all the crimes they committed in different periods of their history.

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