China arrests a local farmer, 74, for donation to Ukraine's Armed Forces: details
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China arrests a local farmer, 74, for donation to Ukraine's Armed Forces: details


Chinese farmer Zhang Liping has never hidden that he supports Ukraine in the war against Russia. However, the authorities of his country did not like such a clear position, which, as is known, helps the aggressor country of the Russian Federation.

Points of attention

  • A Chinese farmer was detained for supporting Ukraine and a letter to Zelensky, which caused a negative reaction from the Chinese authorities.
  • The man donated money to the Armed Forces and declared that he believed in the victory of Ukraine.
  • The NATO Secretary General called on the West to get even with China for helping Russia in the war against Ukraine and emphasised the importance of the consequences for Beijing.

A Chinese farmer was interrogated for several hours over a donation to the Armed Forces

On June 16, information began to spread in the Chinese media that farmer Zhang Liping from Anhui province admitted to his friends that he had sent a letter to Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

Mr. President, I am Zhang Liping, a 74-year-old Chinese farmer. With the beginning of the Swiss Peace Summit, I express my deep admiration for the fearless Ukrainian people and my sincere concern. Ukraine will win! Peace will win! wrote Zhang Liping.

Photo: screenshot

In addition, Lipin emphasized that he donated 1,000 yuan to express support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

It is worth noting that immediately after this information appeared in the media, the Chinese police detained the farmer and interrogated him for 4 hours.

Photo: screenshot

It is currently unknown what happened to Lipin and why he was actually detained.

What is known about China's role in the Russian-Ukrainian war

Only in 2023, Russia imported from China 90% of its microelectronics, which is used for the production of missiles, tanks and aircraft.

This was announced by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. In addition, he called on the West to take revenge on China for helping the Russian Federation continue its war against Ukraine.

The leader of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, tried to create the impression that he is taking a back seat in this conflict in order to avoid sanctions and preserve trade, explained Stoltenberg.

He also added that Beijing failed to deceive the West and will be forced to pay for its decisions and actions.

Beijing cannot have both. At some point—and unless China changes course—allies must make it pay. There must be consequences.

Jens Stoltenberg

Jens Stoltenberg

Secretary General of NATO

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