Civilian killed in Russian air strike in Kherson region
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Civilian killed in Russian air strike in Kherson region

Oleksandr Prokudin / Kherson OVA
Kherson region

A man, 45, was killed in today's Russian air strike on the village of Vysoke in the Beryslav district of Kherson region.

Civilian died as a result of shelling in the Kherson region

Oleksandr Prokudin, head of the Kherson regional state administration, reported on the airstrike in the village.

Russian aviation continues to "give nightmares" to the Kherson region. Today, the enemy carried out an airstrike on the village of Vysoke, in the Beryslav region. Due to the hits the building of the store, two private houses, and also destroyed the car were damaged. The man received injuries incompatible with life. The deceased was approximately 45 years old. My condolences to the family.

Oleksandr Prokudin

Oleksandr Prokudin

Head of Kherson OVA

Another 39-year-old man received a serious explosive injury, eye and forearm injuries. Doctors diagnosed a contusion in a 71-year-old woman. Two men, born in 1983 and 1961, were also brought to the hospital.

Doctors conduct examinations and provide assistance to the victims.

The prosecutor's office added that the occupiers shelled the village around 11:10. Three out of four victims were hospitalised.

Under the procedural leadership of the Beryslav district prosecutor's office, a pre-trial investigation has been initiated in criminal proceedings on the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war, which is combined with intentional murder (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), prosecutors reported.

During the day, 19 people were injured in the Kherson region due to the aggression of Russia

Four settlements were under enemy fire.

Hits were recorded in educational and medical institutions, including a kindergarten and an administrative building. An economic structure and 9 private cars were damaged.

Last day Mykhailivka, Antonivka and Stanislav were under enemy fire. The enemy also hit Kherson with aerial bombs.

The Russian military targeted the residential quarters of the populated areas of the region, in particular, 12 high-rise buildings and 11 private houses were damaged, Oleksandr Prokudin said.

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