CNN explains whether convicted Trump can run for US president
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CNN explains whether convicted Trump can run for US president

Source:  CNN

US law does not prohibit convicted criminals from running for president. So Donald Trump will be able to run for the presidency even from prison.

Trump became first convicted ex-president of United States

On July 11, Donald Trump will be sentenced in the case where he has already been found guilty of financial fraud. If he is sentenced to prison, he can theoretically run for president even from prison.

CNN writes about it.

University of California, Los Angeles law professor Richard L. Hasen, one of the leading experts on election law in the United States, emphasises that there is no prohibition in the American constitution for convicted felons to run for president.

From the legal side, nothing changes with Trump's status as a candidate, said Hasen, commenting on the court's decision.

In addition, individual states cannot disqualify Trump because of his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

It is interesting that Trump, as a resident of the state of Florida, is subject to its rather strict laws. In this state, convicted felons are prohibited from voting in elections until they serve their sentences. This rule is ambiguous and disputed by lawyers, but in theory Trump can lose the right to vote in the election, but not the opportunity to run for office.

Jury found Trump guilty

On the night of May 31, it was officially announced that the Manhattan jury found former US President Donald Trump guilty of all 34 charges in the criminal case of money laundering.

Journalists draw attention to the fact that it is a case of falsification of business documents, which the odious Republican faced in a criminal trial for hiding money.

What is important to understand is that Donald Trump became the first president in US history to be convicted of a felony.

The prosecutor's office accused the former head of the White House in the case of paying money to a porn actress for non-disclosure of information with the aim of influencing the 2016 election, the report says.

It is worth noting that immediately after the verdict was announced, Donald Trump harshly criticised the trial, calling it a "disgrace" and "rigged".

It is also reported that Judge Juan Mercan has scheduled a sentencing hearing for July 11, 2024.

The date is close to the date of the Republican National Convention, which is scheduled to begin on July 15 and elect the party's presidential candidates.

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