Compulsory military education. Russia continues to militarize Ukrainian schoolchildren at TOT
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Compulsory military education. Russia continues to militarize Ukrainian schoolchildren at TOT

Source:  Sprotyv

From September 1, 2024, a new subject - "Fundamentals of Security and Protection of the Family" - will be introduced for students graduating from the 8th and 10th grades in all schools of the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine.

Points of attention

  • Introduction of mandatory subject 'Fundamentals of Homeland Security and Protection' in Russian-occupied Ukrainian territories violates international law and aims to militarize Ukrainian schoolchildren.
  • Russia is consolidating propaganda among children by forcing them to support Russian culture, prepare for war, and participate in Kremlin movements.
  • The new program includes mandatory military training at Avangard centers, where Ukrainian children are taught to kill their fellow citizens, violating the Geneva Convention.

Russia continues to militarize Ukrainian schoolchildren at TOT

The Center of National Resistance reports on Russia's illegal actions in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

It is noted that the key element of the new program will be a mandatory 5-day military meeting on the basis of the Avangard network of centers.

Thousands of Ukrainian children — hostages of Putin's empire, in violation of the Geneva Convention, will be taught to kill their fellow Ukrainian citizens on a permanent basis and without fail.

As noted in the CNS, the enemy has been very carefully and systematically preparing for the creation of this propaganda military children's network since 2019.

In particular, the Russian army and high-ranking Kremlin officials joined in this. Thus, "Avangard" according to the systematic instructions of the Kremlin, trained hundreds of thousands of young men, who were taught to own weapons, as well as to popularize and spread Russian culture.

The occupying power of the Russian Federation will enshrine propaganda among children of TOT at the legislative level

With this draft law, the authorities of the Russian Federation seek to establish propaganda among children at the legislative level.

According to the draft law "on patriotic education" prepared by the occupiers at the TOT of the Kherson region, children will be forced to necessarily participate in Kremlin movements such as the Komsomol.

It is noted that the authors of this document do not hide the fact that it was developed based on the idea of the superiority of the Russian nation and anti-Western rhetoric. At the same time, the local occupation authorities and Russian youth activists — participants of the so-called "Russian legal workshop" — are responsible for its creation.

Thus, using the tool of massiveness and material advantage of participation in such movements, the enemy plans to increase the brainwashing of Ukrainian children in order to prepare them as janissaries for the next wars of the empire.

What is known about Russia's abduction of children from the occupied territories of Ukraine

In 2023, the Online.UA team presented the documentary "Mutilated Childhood", which reveals the truth about Russia's abduction of Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

The film contains real stories of children and their families affected by Russia's war against Ukraine, comments by leading scientists, psychologists, lawyers and experts on the protection of children's rights.

The heroes of the tape went through Russian captivity, torture, abduction to a health camp, some were separated from their parents during the so-called filtering measures.

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