DIU chief Budanov says Russia deployed newest S-500 systems in occupied Crimea
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DIU chief Budanov says Russia deployed newest S-500 systems in occupied Crimea

Kyrylo Budanov

According to the chief of Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU), Lt Gen Kyrylo Budanov, the aggressor country, Russia, has transferred elements of the new S-500 air defence system to the occupied Crimea.

Points of attention

  • Russia has deployed the latest S-500 air defence systems in Crimea to strengthen air defence amid attacks by the Ukrainian military.
  • The Ukrainian military has successfully used American ATACMS missiles to defeat the anti-aircraft defence of the criminal army of the Russian Federation on the territory of Crimea.
  • Russian anti-aircraft batteries in Crimea are constantly hit by Ukrainian missiles, which leads to significant losses for the Russian Federation.
  • Ukraine is preparing for severe attacks on air defence batteries using tactical measures and partner F-16 fighter jets.
  • The possibility of Ukrainian missile strikes demonstrates the shortcomings and insecurity of Russian air defence systems in Crimea.

What is known about Russia's deployment of the new S-500 air defence system in occupied Crimea

Budanov emphasised that the occupation army of the Russian Federation is currently trying to strengthen air defence on the territory of the occupied peninsula amid Ukrainian military attacks.

The newest elements of the S-500 have now appeared. This, in principle, will be an experimental application of them. But they have already appeared there, - notes DIU chief.

According to him, the Russian occupiers also continue to use the illegally built Crimean Bridge to transfer personnel and some other cargo.

The Kerch bridge has always been used and is being used, and as long as it is there, it will be used. The fact that the main cargoes are carried by ferries is true, but they also pass through the bridge, and the personnel above all. Cargo is less, but for the personnel it is the main way, Budanov noted.

What is known about the destruction of the S-400 air defence system by the Ukrainian military in Crimea with ATACMS missiles

According to Forbes journalists, Ukraine actively uses long-range American ATACMS missiles to defeat the anti-aircraft defence of the criminal army of the Russian Federation on the territory of occupied Crimea.

In particular, in mid-May, the Ukrainian military struck a mighty blow, using 10 ATACMS missiles, at the Belbek Russian base near Sevastopol.

As a result of the impact, the radar and two launchers of the S-400 anti-aircraft battery were destroyed.

In addition, missiles damaged four military aircraft at the nearby military airfield.

After that, the occupation army of the Russian Federation quickly replaced the destroyed S-400s.

However, the Ukrainian military again hit the S-400 battery in Belbek.

The same M39A1 ATACMS also hit two other air defence batteries nearby: another S-400 and a less long-range S-300.

During the strike, at least 10 ATACMS missiles were used, and the Russian air defense system was unable to intercept any of them, representatives of the Center for Defence Strategies note.

Two radars were destroyed - one each from the S-300 and S-400 batteries. Regarding the third radar, the information was clarified.

Belbek becomes an attrition trap for the better air defence system of the Russian air defence systems.

Ukraine destroys fresh missile batteries about as fast as they manage to deploy them. The Russians have already lost two S-400 command posts, four radars and 16 launchers. In total, Ukrainian missile raids may have destroyed parts of four or five S-400 batteries. Ironically, the S-400s were designed to be anti-missiles, but apparently they don't work. The Russian Air Force has more than 50 S-400 batteries. But the batteries are useless for Russia's military operations in Ukraine if they cannot withstand Ukrainian missile strikes. The more S-400s the Russians deploy in Ukraine, the more S-400s they will most likely lose, the publication notes.

According to the estimates of several Russian analysts, Ukraine may be preparing for much more severe attacks.

If the Ukrainians adhere to the American strike doctrine, the air defence batteries will be struck first.

After that, F-16 fighter jets received from partners can join the attacks.

The first F-16s — former Danish models — should arrive in Ukraine in the coming weeks. Don't be surprised if fighter jets quickly start striking Russian bases in Crimea. Bazakh, whose air defense is constantly weakening under the barrage of ATACMS missiles, the authors of the material emphasise.

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