DIU confirms Russia intends to recruit new agents for "Maidan-3" info ops against Ukraine
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DIU confirms Russia intends to recruit new agents for "Maidan-3" info ops against Ukraine

DIU confirms Russia intends to recruit new agents for "Maidan-3" info ops against Ukraine
Source:  Radio Svoboda

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) knows whom the Russian Federation plans to recruit or has already recruited to promote Russian narratives and prepare for the Maidan-3 operation against Ukraine.

DIU received a list of people recruited by Russia for the Maidan-3 info ops against Ukraine

I can't name specific names right now. There are lists of people on whom the enemy works, and there is a task to attract them to spread their rhetoric and influence the socio-political situation in the country. These are dozens of people if we talk about influential categories. Now, they have the task of purchasing as many thousands of pages and accounts as possible. This will be the work of botfarms, newly created or already purchased Telegram channels, said Andriy Yusov, a DIU representative.

Andriy Yusov

Andriy Yusov

DIU speaker

He also added that the list includes not only people whom the Russian Federation has already recruited, but also those whom Moscow wants to involve in promoting pro-Russian narratives. In addition, according to Yusov, the Kremlin cannot rely on its previous agents.

The cohort of political figures they had is already enlightened and has no influence in Ukraine. But every time we hear such narratives that shake Ukraine from the inside, that delegalize the adoption of state decisions, we will understand for whom these narratives work, — explained the DIU speaker.

In addition, he explained precisely how Russia recruits agents. According to Yusov, it is not always about direct cooperation.

This does not always mean that someone with a "red star" addresses the person. It can be an outlet for intermediaries through neutral topics. The main thing is to intersperse those narratives that the enemy needs. This work, its attempts, take place both in Ukraine and abroad, — said Yusov.

The Russian special operation "Maidan-3" against Ukraine is approaching its peak

The Intelligence Committee under the President of Ukraine officially warns that the "Maidan-3" special operation, which the Russian Federation is conducting against our country, will reach its peak in March-May 2024.

Dictator Vladimir Putin's team intends to:

  • to question the legitimacy of government decisions made in Ukraine after May 20th,

  • spread panic moods, pessimism,

  • to artificially oppose civilians and the military,

  • put us at odds with our allies,

  • spread all kinds of "conspiracy theories" in society.

In Nov. 2023, the online.ua team wrote about the enemy's special operation in the exclusive article titled "Panic, despair, showdowns, and assassination attempts. Russia launched a new "Maidan-3" information attack on Ukraine.

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