Estonian Prime Minister described simple formula for Ukraine's victory in war with Russia
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Estonian Prime Minister described simple formula for Ukraine's victory in war with Russia

Kaja Kallas
Source:  BBC

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has publicly called on the West to significantly increase military support for Ukraine, as this is the only way to help it win the war with Russia.

What does Ukraine's victory formula look like?

The politician once again drew attention to the fact that her country allocates more than 1% of its GDP to support Ukraine.

If every NATO country did this, Ukraine would win, Kaja Kallas emphasised.

Journalists asked the prime minister whether Estonia has a "plan B" in case Ukraine loses, cannot withstand the pressure of Russia and the enemy army breaks through further.

We don't have a "plan B" in case of Russia's victory, because then we will stop focusing on plan "A", she emphasised, referring to helping Ukraine to resist the Russian invasion.

Kaja Kallas believes that Kyiv's allies have no right to be pessimistic, because then it will be extremely difficult to win the war.

Victory in Ukraine is not only about territory. If Ukraine joins NATO, even without having a certain territory, then it will be a victory, because it will be under the umbrella of NATO.

Kaya Callas

Kaya Callas

Prime Minister of Estonia

According to her, the team of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is currently waging a hybrid war against the West and "wants to sow fear in our societies".

Why Ukraine has not won yet

The Prime Minister of Estonia drew attention to the fact that sufficient support for Ukraine from the free world is hindered by fear.

She said this on Saturday at the Lennart Mary conference discussion on support for Kyiv.

During the discussion, Kallas was asked what prevents the free world from supporting Ukraine in a sufficient amount.

Fear holds us back in supporting Ukraine. Countries have different fears, be it nuclear fear, be it the fear of escalation, be it the fear of migration. We must not fall into the trap of fear because that is exactly what Putin wants. He wants us to be afraid and not support Ukraine out of fear, Kallas said.

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