EU proposes to strengthen Ukraine's air defence following Russian attacks in Kharkiv region
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EU proposes to strengthen Ukraine's air defence following Russian attacks in Kharkiv region

Peter Stano

The Russian attack on the Kharkiv region is yet “another example of Russia's total disregard for human life and the barbaric nature of its aggression”, an EU official stressed.

EU is asked to urgently strengthen the air defence of Ukraine

The spokesman of the EU Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Peter Stano, reacted to another Russian air attack on Kharkiv and the region, as a result of which more than 10 civilians, including a pregnant woman, were killed.

According to Peter Stano, the Russian attack on the Kharkiv region is “another example of Russia's complete disregard for human life, as well as the barbaric nature of its aggression”.

He noted that the EU mourns these losses together with Ukraine and confirms its commitment to the goal that all those responsible for such attacks and war crimes will be brought to justice.

Such repeated crimes by the Russian Federation against civilians and civilian infrastructure in Ukraine once again emphasise the need for Europe to urgently increase support for air defence: it saves lives and protects Ukrainian cities and villages and their population.

Peter Stano

Peter Stano

Spokesman of the EU foreign policy service

What is known about the shelling of Kharkiv region by the Russian army

As a result of the morning strike by the Russian army on May 19, at least 6 people were killed and 28 were injured in the Kharkiv district.

According to the police, five people died and at least 16 were injured. In particular, a pregnant woman died.

Among the victims is an 8-year-old child who received minor injuries. Eight citizens are in serious condition.

A police officer and an ambulance paramedic came under repeated fire while rendering aid at the scene of the shooting.

According to the local military authoroties, the Russians struck with two Iskander-M missiles, using the "double strike" tactic.

The Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office reported that as a result of the blow 6 people died, 16 were injured. A 68-year-old civilian died in the hospital, whose injuries had not been reported before.

The fate of one of the employees of the recreation center, on which the Russian army launched missile strikes, is still unknown. It was established that at the time of the attack he was near a reservoir and was fishing.

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