Western journalists ridiculed new Russian "fake artillery"
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Western journalists ridiculed new Russian "fake artillery"

Russian army
Source:  Forbes

The Russian invaders are forced to improvise on the battlefield, as the Armed Forces destroy dozens of their vehicles every day. This time, the Western press drew attention to another invention of the enemy, which can hardly be called artillery.

Points of attention

  • The 2A28 improvised field gun is the most bizarre invention of all enemy weapons.
  • The accuracy and effectiveness of this gun is low due to its awkward placement and low recoil.
  • The enemy resorts to senseless improvisation only because there is no alternative after massive losses.

Home-made weapons of the Russians are again in the spotlight

According to the journalists, it is about an improvised field cannon, a video of its "work" has spread on social networks recently.

Foreign experts note that it can be considered the most bizarre and least effective of all the enemy's self-made weapons.

This is a 73-millimeter low-pressure 2A28 gun, which enterprising Russian technicians removed from a BMP-1 combat vehicle of the 1960s and welded it to a crude carriage so that it could be towed, the publication writes.

In one of the videos, you can see how the Russian occupier loads and fires a gun at a speed of one projectile for several seconds.

Another clip shows a 2A28 gun moving behind a truck towing it.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that during each shot, the 2A28 without a turret jumps several centimeters, which critically affects its effectiveness.

Why the new invention of the Russians is ridiculous

According to experts, in order to place the 73-mm gun in the 15-ton BMP-1, the designers of the 2A28 reduced the pressure inside the barrel, resulting in a light weapon with low recoil.

It is also worth noting that the accuracy of shooting at a distance is extremely low — more than several hundreds

If you shoot from the ground, without an armored body that provides stability, then the accuracy will be much worse. All this means that the homemade 2A28 field gun can work against large, stationary targets that are at a distance of no more than a few hundred meters, Forbes writes.

What is important to understand is that the enemy resorts to such strange and senseless improvisation only because he has no other choice against the background of large-scale losses.

As you know, the Armed Forces have already destroyed at least 1,400 Russian howitzers and launchers.

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