Russia has not yet dared to invade a NATO member state, but it will continue its hybrid attacks, including signal jamming and election interference. This warning was issued by the new commander of the Finnish Armed Forces, General Janne Jaakkola.
Putin will do everything possible to weaken NATO
According to Janne Jaakkola, a test of Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, which provides for collective self-defence in the event of an attack on NATO, "is always possible, but if we take the right measures and maintain unity, I think an attack is unlikely".
The Finnish general points out that Putin's team is currently too busy preparing for a new summer offensive in Ukraine to consider an attack on NATO.
Nevertheless, the Kremlin will continue its hybrid attacks against European countries in the form of GPS jamming, influence operations and facilitating illegal migration to neighbouring countries, including Finland.
The point for the Russians is that they want to cause as much division in Europe as possible, so that our unity and cohesion are a little weaker," Janne Jaakkola explained.
The situation on the Ukrainian front may also deteriorate
As mentioned earlier, former Finnish army commander Timo Kivinen recently predicted that the situation with the war in Ukraine will get more difficult before it can change to a more positive one in the future.
He warned that various unpleasant situations could occur and that we should be prepared for them.
According to the general, there will still come a time when high-intensity fighting will end, but no one knows when and under what circumstances.
And as long as this is going on, my personal perception is that the situation will get even more difficult before it starts to improve, said Timo Kivinen.