For the first time, Biden commented on the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kurshchyna
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For the first time, Biden commented on the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kurshchyna

For the first time, Biden commented on the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kurshchyna
Source:  The New York Post

US President Joe Biden commented for the first time on Ukraine's attack on Russia's Kursk region. He said that this attack presents the announcer of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, with a "real dilemma".

Points of attention


  • The operation of the Armed Forces in Kurshchyna creates a real dilemma for the leadership of the Russian Federation, Biden noted.
  • According to the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Ukrainian troops continue to advance in the Kursk region, controlling a large area.
  • New data from the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces confirm the successful course of the operation in Kurshchyna and the involvement of the Russian Federation in the diplomatic dilemma.
  • US cooperation with Ukraine continues during military events, President Biden emphasized.

The operation of the Armed Forces in Kurshchyna creates a "real dilemma" for Putin

Joe Biden spoke for the first time about the operation of the Armed Forces during a visit to New Orleans.

I've been talking to my team regularly, maybe every four to five hours for the last six to eight days, and that creates a real dilemma for Putin. That's all I'll say about it while the offensive continues.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden

President of the USA

Biden also added that he and his administration are in direct, constant contact with the Ukrainians while the military operation continues.

It will be recalled that earlier in the White House it was noted that the Ukrainian military did not violate the ban on strikes by US weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation. At the same time, Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal during his visit to Kyiv called the breakthrough by Ukrainian troops of the border in the Kursk region "historic".

What is known about the situation in the Kursk region

On the evening of August 13, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Oleksandr Syrskyi shared the new data.

He reported on the development of events in Kurshchyna to the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

According to Sirskyi, despite the difficult and intense fighting, the advance of Ukrainian forces in the Kursk region continues.

During today's day, our troops advanced in separate directions from one to three kilometers. We took control over 40 km² and today 74 points are under our control. Battles are being fought along the entire front line. The situation, given the high intensity of hostilities, is under control, Oleksandr Syrskyi said

It is also worth noting that as of the evening of August 13, Ukraine controls about 1,040 square meters. km of Russian territory

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