France supports use of Russia's frozen assets for Ukraine
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France supports use of Russia's frozen assets for Ukraine

France, EU flags
Source:  Bloomberg

France supports the US initiative to provide Ukraine with a loan of €50 billion out of revenues from Russia's frozen assets.

France supports the US initiative to use Russia's frozen assets for Ukraine

Journalists of the publication note that this increases the chances of a favourable decision regarding the US initiative during the meeting of the heads of finance ministries of the G7 countries.

On May 22, the EU Council supported the transfer of revenues from the Russian Federation's frozen assets to Ukraine, which will be carried out twice a year.

At the same time, the US took the initiative for a € 50 billion new aid package for Ukraine in the form of a loan secured by the profits from the Russian frozen assets.

It is noted that Canada and Great Britain have already supported this proposal.

We are open to the idea of mobilizing income from these assets as best and as quickly as possible within the framework of international law, noted the French Finance Minister, Bruno Le Maire.

According to him, the US initiative complies with the norms of international law.

The US has made an offer that complies with international law, and we will work on it in a constructive and open manner with the aim of reaching an agreement on this fundamental issue of financial support for Ukraine by the end of the G7 meeting in Stresa, noted the French Finance Minister.

What is known about US allies' attitude in the G7 regarding Russia's frozen assets for Ukraine

As The Financial Times journalists note, the USA's G7 allies reacted positively to the proposal to allocate a 50 billion dollar loan to Ukraine, secured at the expense of profits from the Russian Federation's frozen assets.

It is noted that Washington's plan may prove to be insurance in the event of Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential elections in November this year.

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