General Staff Latest: AFU eliminated over 1,100 Russian soldiers, four tanks and 35 artillery systems
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General Staff Latest: AFU eliminated over 1,100 Russian soldiers, four tanks and 35 artillery systems


Russia's losses in the war against Ukraine during the day from June 24 to 25 amounted to 1,180 occupiers. In total, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the aggressor country has lost about 536,840 soldiers. In addition, defenders of Ukraine destroyed 18 armored fighting vehicles and 35 artillery systems.

Points of attention

  • In total, Russia's losses in the war against Ukraine amounted to more than 536,000 soldiers, 8,035 tanks and other military equipment.
  • The Armed Forces successfully destroyed 18 armored combat vehicles and 35 artillery systems of the occupiers.
  • The situation in the Pokrovsk direction of the Ukrainian front is the most tense, where Russian troops are carrying out active attacks.
  • The Ministry of Defenсe of Great Britain warns about the possible occupation of Novooleksandrivka, which threatens the southern front of Ukrainian defenders.

What is known about the losses of the Russian Federation

The total combat losses of the enemy from 02.24.22 to 06.25.24 approximately amounted to:

  • personnel — 536,840 (+1,180) persons were eliminated;

  • tanks — 8,035 (+4) units;

  • armoured fighting vehicles — 15,431 (+18) units;

  • artillery systems — 14,281 (+35) units;

  • MLRS — 1108 units;

  • air defence systems — 863 units;

  • aircraft — 359 units;

  • helicopters — 326 units;

  • UAV operational-tactical level — 11,413 (+31) units;

  • cruise missiles — 2324 (+1) units;

  • warships/boats — 28 units;

  • submarines — 1 unit;

  • vehicles and fuel tanks — 19,362 (+58) units;

  • special equipment — 2403 (+6) units.

What is the situation in the Pokrovsk direction

On June 18, the Ministry of Defenсe of Great Britain disseminated the conclusion of British intelligence that the Russian invaders could probably take control of the village of Novooleksandrivka in the Donetsk region.

It was noted there that the occupation of Novooleksandrivka will allow the enemy to approach the T-05-04 road, which is one of the main supply routes for the Defenсe Forces in the east.

The situation in the Pokrovsk direction is the most tense at the front. It is there that the Russians carry out the largest number of attacks. Some days it reached almost 50.

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