Google banned the registration of new accounts for numbers of the Russia. What's the matter?
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Google banned the registration of new accounts for numbers of the Russia. What's the matter?


Google does not allow registering new accounts for Russian phone numbers. The reason may be new US sanctions against the Russian Federation for aggression in Ukraine, adopted before the Independence Day of Ukraine.

Points of attention

  • Google has implemented a ban on registering new accounts for Russian phone numbers, potentially due to the recent US sanctions against Russia for its aggression in Ukraine.
  • The restrictions are part of a broader package of sanctions targeting entities in the Russian fuel, energy, and metallurgy sectors, as well as military development institutes and manufacturers in the military industry.
  • The US sanctions will have significant consequences for key Russian oil and gas projects, with notable companies like Novatek and Rosneft facing restrictions.
  • Google's decision to block new account registrations using Russian numbers coincides with other IT companies, like Microsoft and Notion, announcing the cessation of operations in Russia due to the sanctions.
  • Overall, the ban on Russian phone numbers for Google accounts is a reflection of the escalating tensions between the US and Russia, impacting various sectors and businesses in both countries.

Google banned Russians from creating new accounts

Confirmation of a new Google account using a Russian phone number is currently not possible.

This was reported by average Russian Internet users and written by propagandists of the Russian Federation.

Google itself did not comment on the innovation

Google banned the creation of new accounts with Russian numbers

When entering a phone number registered in the Russian Federation, the site issues a message: "This number cannot be used for confirmation."

Such restrictions may be related to another package of sanctions against Russia, in which the US has banned IT companies from providing services on the territory of the Russian Federation since September 12.

Microsoft and Notion have already announced the termination of operations on the territory of the Russian Federation.

New US sanctions against the Russian Federation: what is known

The US announced a new package of sanctions against Russia, which covers about 400 entities related to the Russian fuel and energy and metallurgical sectors, the financial sphere and the supply of dual-purpose goods for Russia's military-industrial complex to circumvent sanctions.

The new restrictions will significantly affect Russia's key oil and gas projects.

The following companies were sanctioned:

  • Ekropromstroy LLC, a subsidiary of Novatek, to which 40% of Arctic LNG-2 LLC was transferred;

  • "Mezhregionstroy" LLC, which is building facilities for the "Vostok Oil" project from "Rosneft";

  • PJSC "Yakutskaya fuel and energy company" (YATEK), responsible for the Yakutia LNG project.

Sanctions are also imposed on the largest exporters of coal from Russia, such as:

  • "SDS Ugol",

  • "UK Mechel-Mining",

  • JSC "Stroyservis",

  • two subsidiaries of Rosatom.

Sanctioned lists include:

  • Russian institutes of military development,

  • manufacturers of unmanned aerial vehicles and electronics,

  • companies that serve the needs of the Russian military industry, together with their owners and management.

131 companies from Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, the UAE, Kazakhstan and other countries suspected of violating sanctions have been added to the list of companies subject to strict export licensing requirements.

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