How Putin can be eliminated — the Major General's explanation
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How Putin can be eliminated — the Major General's explanation

Source:  Focus

As Major General, former Deputy Head of the SBU Viktor Yagun notes, the illegitimate President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, is very afraid that he will be killed by an airstrike.

Points of attention

  • Putin is afraid of an air strike after the events in Iran.
  • Ukraine's special services have more important tasks than the demonstrative liquidation of the Russian dictator.
  • A possible assassination attempt on Putin may be carried out by the Russian opposition.

Putin has a new fear

According to the expert, the Russian dictator closely follows events on the international scene and, of course, knows about the successful elimination of several high-ranking Iranian generals and leaders of the radical Hamas movement.

Against this background, he had a new phobia, especially given that Ukrainian UAVs could theoretically fly to the places of Putin's potential speeches.

Despite this, Viktor Yagun emphasizes that the special services of Ukraine face much more interesting and important tasks than the demonstrative destruction of the president of the Russian Federation in front of his entourage.

We should also not forget the fact that the Russian authoritarian regime is structured in such a way that it forces a strict approach to the system of responding to threats.

This is also confirmed by the transfer of the Navy Day celebration ceremony from Crimea to St. Petersburg.

Who can organize an assassination attempt on Putin

Douglas London, a professor of intelligence studies at the School of Diplomatic Service of Georgetown University (USA), does not believe that the West will dare to eliminate the Russian dictator.

Despite this, the known States can really boast of the experience of successful and unsuccessful attempts on the first persons of foreign countries — in Iran, Chile and Cuba.

We cannot also ignore the fact that the operations to eliminate Mohammad Mosaddiq in Iran, Salvador Allende in Chile, and Castro in Cuba were carried out precisely by the internal opposition of these countries, and the States then only partially helped them.

According to Douglas London, an attempt to assassinate Putin can really be carried out by the Russian opposition.

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