AFU managed to thwart a large-scale Russian offensive - AP
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AFU managed to thwart a large-scale Russian offensive - AP

Armed Forces
Source:  Associated Press

The Associated Press learned how Ukrainian soldiers managed to prevent the invasion of Ukraine by tens of thousands of Russian invaders. HIMARS and the timely decision of the US helped them in this.

Points of attention

  • The Ukrainian military used HIMARS missile systems to destroy enemy military convoys along the border.
  • The US authorization to use American weapons helped to stabilize the situation and stop the Russian offensive, allowing the Armed Forces of Ukraine to use artillery against Russian firing points.
  • Ukraine is trying to get permission to use ATACMS to hit specific targets in the fight against Russian aggression.

Another attempt to attack the Russian Federation failed thanks to the Armed Forces

According to journalists, a few weeks ago more than 90 thousand Russian invaders were preparing for a new offensive on the border of Ukraine.

However, they did not have time to implement their plans, because the White House allowed the Armed Forces of Ukraine to attack part of the territory of the Russian Federation with American weapons.

For almost a month now, Ukraine has been able to attack Russian troops and air defense systems 20 kilometers from the border in the Kharkiv region.

According to defenders, the HIMARS missile systems were launched just hours after the authorization was obtained.

At the time, the stakes were high as Ukrainian military leaders expected a new attack aimed at distracting troops from other fierce battlegrounds in the Donetsk region. First Deputy Minister of Defense Ivan Gavrylyuk told the Associated Press that at least 90,000 Russian servicemen deep inside Russian territory were preparing for a new offensive, the publication notes.

The US authorization instantly changed the picture on the battlefield

According to the soldier of the Armed Forces with the call sign "Hephaestus", HIMARS did not shut up all day.

Ukrainian defenders had the opportunity to destroy entire columns of enemy troops along the border waiting for an order to enter the territory of Ukraine.

The dynamic changed almost immediately, allowing Ukrainian forces to stabilize this part of the front line. Previously, the Armed Forces could only repulse incoming infantry attacks; now they can use more artillery against Russian firing points, the journalists explain.

As of today, Kyiv is doing everything possible to convince American allies to allow the use of ATACMS against specific targets.

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