Hungary's diplomacy chief criticises EU's aid expansion to Ukrane
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Hungary's diplomacy chief criticises EU's aid expansion to Ukrane

Péter Szijjártó

The Hungarian MFA chief, Peter Szijjártó, said European politicians are making"increasingly crazy and wild" proposals to expand the aid format to Ukraine.

Hungary criticises EU initiatives to expand aid to Ukraine continue

European politicians are coming up with increasingly crazier and wilder ideas: sending soldiers to Ukraine, shooting down Russian missiles over Ukraine, nuclear war, European infantry, what's next? — declares the scandalous chief of Hungarian diplomacy.

Szijjártó also cynically added that he is supposedly very interested in what other ideas European politicians will put forward during the Council of Foreign Affairs meeting on May 27.

What has NATO stated

According to the Secretary General of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, the partners are not fulfilling their commitments to support Ukraine.

The problem is that in recent months we have not delivered to Ukraine what we promised. The United States spent six months negotiating a new aid package. The European allies, who promised one million ammunition, have not delivered anything even close to this amount of ammunition to Ukraine, the NATO Secretary General emphasised.

According to him, in April, the heads of the defence ministries of the Alliance countries met with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who emphasised the need for additional air defence systems, particularly the Patriot and SAMP/T air defence systems.

Apart from Germany, which transferred one additional Patriot system, the Allies have not fulfilled their air defense promises, Stoltenberg said.

He warned that delaying decisions on aid to Ukraine has negative consequences.

The Secretary General of NATO noted that the Ukrainian military did not receive the required ammunition and air defence equipment in the specified time.

All this makes it difficult to counter the attempts of the occupation army of the Russian Federation to seize as much Ukrainian territory as possible.

In particular, the Russian advantage in the means of firing and the inability of the Ukrainians to shoot down Russian missiles leads to consequences.

It is because of this that the situation on the battlefield is now difficult. We see the consequences of airstrikes and missile strikes, Stoltenberg explained.

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