First group of Ukrainian pilots completes F-16 training in US
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First group of Ukrainian pilots completes F-16 training in US

Source:  Politico

The first group of Ukrainian pilots completed training on F-16 fighters at a military base in the American state of Arizona.

What is known about the training of Ukrainian pilots on the F-16

Ukrainian pilots were trained at the 162nd Air National Guard Air Base in Tucson. Exactly how many of them have already completed the training course — the spokeswoman did not say due to "precaution for their safety".

Currently, pilots of the Air Force of Ukraine are heading to Europe for additional training.

Ukrainian military pilots and technicians are already undergoing training in the USA, Britain, France, Denmark and Romania. It is expected that Ukraine will have the first six F-16 fighters and 12 trained pilots already in the summer of 2024.

In total, Ukraine will receive more than 60 F-16s from Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium.

F-16s can make life easier for the Ukrainian army

Experts note that the F-16 is capable of flying at a speed of more than 1,500 mph and operating at an altitude of up to 50,000 feet.

Also, the Western fighter can boast a combat radius of approximately 340 miles with internal fuel reserves and a cruising range of over 2,000 miles with external tanks.

In addition, these aircraft are equipped with modernised radar stations, for example AN/APG-66. They have the ability to track targets both in the air and on the ground at a distance of over 60 miles.

In order for the F-16s to be effective, Ukraine needs to establish and maintain an extensive support and logistics infrastructure, retired US Marine Corps Colonel Mark Kanchian told Newsweek.

He also warned that the appearance of the F-16 will not lead to an immediate change in the situation, but it will indeed be easier for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to conduct combat operations.

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