India's journalist Singh spreads fake news about Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia
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India's journalist Singh spreads fake news about Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia

Center for Countering Disinformation of Ukraine
Mehnoor Singh

Indian journalist Mehnoor Singh highlights the thesis that Russia is at war with Ukraine because it allegedly wants "peace for Donbas".

As a journalist, Singh spreads Russian propaganda against Ukraine

Journalist Mehnoor Singh began actively covering events in Ukraine from 2023. Then he, together with a group of other foreign media, visited the occupied territories of Donetsk region, accompanied by the famous Russian propagandist Zakhar Priliepin.

Singh's monologue about Stalin was widely disseminated by enemy resources. The Indian says that he is a communist and sincerely admires the Soviet dictator.

In addition, he actively gives comments to propaganda media about his trip to TOT.

Singh emphasizes that foreign media do not send correspondents to Russian-occupied territories, so they do not know the "truth" about life there. Singh, promotes the thesis that the Russian Federation is at war with Ukraine because it "wants peace for Donbas," Centre for Countering Disinformation (CCD) reports.

At the same time, Russian propagandists often present Singh's opinion as the position of all India.

Russia launched information operation "Perun"

As part of this operation, the Russian Federation plans to involve foreign journalists, media persons and bloggers to justify aggression against Ukraine and cover the situation around Ukraine from positions favorable to the Kremlin.

Earlier, CCD reported on the American journalist Fiorella Isabel. Propaganda media call her an American journalist, but she herself does not hide that she works for the RT channel.

In social networks, Isabel covers events in the world, in particular in Ukraine and the Middle East, in the light of Kremlin propaganda.

She became a "star" of the Russian propaganda media in 2023, when she started her activities at TOT. At the same time, she spread Kremlin propaganda narratives about the war as "the struggle of the Russian Federation against world evil" and promoted the thesis about the "US hand" in the actions of the Ukrainian government.

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