Macron changes his position on defence of Ukraine
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Macron changes his position on defence of Ukraine

Emmanuel Macron

French leader Emmanuel Macron has officially confirmed that he already supports Ukraine's right to strike at military targets in Russia in self-defence.

Macron decided to strengthen support for Ukraine

The French president made such a loud statement during a press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz during his trip to Germany.

We must allow them (Ukraine. — ed.) to neutralise (Russian. — ed.) military bases from which missiles are launched.

Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron

President of France

The head of France also once again drew attention to the fact that attacks on Ukraine are carried out from the territory of Russia.

Macron's position was also publicly supported by Olaf Scholz.

Ukraine has every opportunity under international law to do what it is doing. And the Western countries that help Ukraine with weapons have revealed all the rules for their use, which are based on international law, the German leader noted.

Despite this, Scholz emphasised that he is currently not going to hand over German Taurus long-range missiles to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Some of Kyiv's allies have given Ukraine permission to use their weapons on the territory of Russia

Recently, the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, publicly confirmed that some EU countries do not object to their weapons being used to strike targets in Russia.

According to him, they changed their position against the background of the latest events on the Ukrainian front.

Despite this, Borrel did not want to name the countries that changed his mind, nor could he name the number of these countries.

Some have said unequivocally: I'm going to remove these restrictions. Others have said the same thing, but not so clearly. Others said: Well, let me think about it. So I can't say the number of those who agreed or not... In any case, this number will change... Events change and people change, he added.

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