More EU countries support sending NATO troops to Ukraine
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More EU countries support sending NATO troops to Ukraine

NATO military

French President Emmanuel Macron's initiative to send NATO troops to Ukraine is getting more and more support from other EU countries.

What is known about the EU countries' support for the introduction of NATO troops into Ukraine

According to Benjamin Haddad, a member of Macron's pro-government party in the French parliament, who is called one of the creators of France's foreign policy, in a comment to journalists, the publication noted that NATO and the EU should achieve a turning point in the criminal war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine.

According to the authors of the article, Macron seeks to unbalance Russia, in particular, by proposing to send NATO training personnel to Ukraine.

Although the US immediately rejected this idea, it found supporters in Europe, especially in the countries located along the Russian borders.

Haddad emphasised that commitment to NATO's deeper commitments to Ukraine is gaining more and more support among EU countries.

Which of the European leaders supports the idea of a NATO training mission in Ukraine

It was interesting to observe that in the first couple of days, everyone said: "This is an isolated position of France. But since then, leading European figures have expressed their support for the proposal — or at least they are open to discussing it," said the French politician.

He noted that among the supporters of Macron's idea are the President of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, the Prime Minister of Estonia, Kaja Kallas, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Radoslaw Sikorski, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Gabrielus Landsbergis.

This is important because these countries are on the front lines. And these are countries that have long distrusted Paris and Berlin,” explained Haddad.

He emphasised that Europe spends too much time worrying about escalation, while Russia is the country leading the escalation.

He also suggested that Western capitals "think creatively" about how best to help Kyiv in various ways, including potentially deploying troops on the ground.

Thus, according to him, many Ukrainian troops are now stationed on the border with Belarus to prevent a potential invasion from the north.

Therefore, Western troops can be deployed along the border as an "obstacle", as is done in the Baltic states or in Poland, to free up part of the Ukrainian troops to be sent to the front.

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