NATO leadership called Zelenskyy not to turn for support of Ukraine's membership in 2024 — The Telegraph
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NATO leadership called Zelenskyy not to turn for support of Ukraine's membership in 2024 — The Telegraph

Source:  The Telegraph

The Telegraph was able to find out, the leadership of the Alliance privately urged Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy not to contact NATO in 2024 regarding support for Ukraine's membership in the bloc.

NATO is currently not ready for decisive actions regarding Ukraine

Anonymous sources of journalists say that during the NATO summit in Washington, which should take place from July 9 to 11, Volodymyr Zelenskyy's team will not be offered anything that would help Ukraine advance on the way to membership in the Alliance.

One of the key reasons for this delay is the fear of some members of the bloc, who fear being drawn into a full-scale war with Russia.

Insiders also confirmed that the administrations of Joe Biden and Olaf Scholz are "extremely skeptical" about the prospect of Ukraine's further progress towards full NATO membership this year.

The anonymous sources also added that official Washington is not as worried as Berlin, but both capitals are afraid of the threat from Russia to other members of the alliance.

The USA and Germany persistently warned Ukraine against setting firm deadlines for joining NATO. For this reason, Zelenskyy was allegedly asked not to put pressure on individual allies so that they would once again come out in support of a clear timetable for Ukraine's accession, the publication writes.

NATO supported the declaration regarding Ukraine's attacks on the Russian Federation with Western weapons

Recently, it officially became known that the NATO Parliamentary Assembly called on the governments of the member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance to give permission to Ukraine to hit legitimate military targets on the territory of the Russian Federation with Western weapons.

What is important to understand is that this collective decision gives parliamentarians of the Allies a tool to put pressure on their governments on this issue.

We have pasted these edits. They were supported by most, but not all, delegation members. It was voted. Finally, we have a text that calls on the governments of NATO member countries to give permission to Ukraine to strike at legitimate military targets on the territory of the Russian Federation, said People's Deputy, head of the permanent delegation of Ukraine in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Yehor Chernev.

French and German leaders Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz have already supported this NATO decision.

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