NATO to provide Ukraine with security aid package as 'bridge' for membership — Defense News
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NATO to provide Ukraine with security aid package as 'bridge' for membership — Defense News

NATO Ukraine
Source:  Defense News

NATO intends to offer Ukraine a security aid package during its annual summit this summer in Washington. However, it is assumed that this package will not satisfy Ukraine's request for NATO membership against the background of the Russian Federation's invasion.

Points of attention

  • NATO plans to offer Ukraine a package of security assistance at the annual summit to bring its membership closer to the alliance.
  • Some NATO defence companies are interested in the joint production of military equipment for Ukraine.
  • The US Secretary of State supports Ukraine's approach to NATO membership and promises assistance in strengthening the country's defence capabilities.

What is known about NATO's plans to hand over the aid package

US Ambassador to NATO Julianne Smith said that in addition to the package being released in July, 32 countries are finalising several bilateral agreements to support Ukraine before the summit, 13 of which have already been concluded.

Alliance members will offer a bundle of achievements that will serve as a bridge to their membership in the Alliance. Part of this package will be the language we will use to describe Ukraine's aspirations for membership in the declaration itself, she emphasized during the Defense Writers' Group round table on Monday.

According to her, this will, in part, mean defining certain bilateral support currently provided to Ukraine and transferring it under NATO command.

Part of this will be working on identifying new resources for our friends in Ukraine and ensuring that we send a signal to Moscow that the NATO alliance is not going anywhere, Smith assured.

The publication recalled that during NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's visit to Kyiv in April, he stated that "Ukraine will become a member of NATO."

The work we are doing now puts you on an irreversible path to NATO membership, so that when the time comes, Ukraine will be able to become a NATO member immediately, Stoltenberg emphasised.

In addition, some defence companies from the NATO bloc are interested in the joint production of certain military assets, such as unmanned systems. Also in May, the United States announced providing Ukraine a $2 billion foreign military aid package, which is generally aimed at helping Ukraine develop its defence and industrial base.

These funds come mostly from European, Canadian or American companies that are considering joint production opportunities, Smith added in an interview with Defense News.

Can Ukraine become a member of NATO?

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on allies to influence the US regarding Ukraine's membership in NATO. According to him, the United States doubts this issue.

Britain supports us in NATO. The United States is doubtful — they fear some kind of escalation. (...) If everyone supports us, I think everyone will have enough strength, intelligence and influence to communicate with the United States to change their opinion and approach. It is important that not only Ukraine raises the issue of NATO.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

President of Ukraine

At the same time, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that during the NATO summit in July, the allies will take clear steps to bring Ukraine closer to joining the Alliance.

"NATO will help build the Ukrainian forces of the future, which can effectively repel aggression and defend themselves if necessary," the US politician assured.

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