Orban puts tough demands on NATO over Ukraine
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Orban puts tough demands on NATO over Ukraine

Viktor Orban
Source:  Bloomberg

According to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, he is demanding that NATO give Hungary the opportunity to "rethink" its membership status in the Alliance against the backdrop of the Russia's war against Ukraine.

Hungary wants to achieve special status in NATO

As the Hungarian leader officially confirmed, his team and lawyers are currently actively engaged in creating a new concept that would distinguish Hungary from other NATO members.

Hungary can maintain its membership in NATO in such a way that it does not have to participate in NATO actions outside the territory of the Alliance.

Viktor Orban

Viktor Orban

Prime Minister of Hungary

Orban also drew attention to the fact that the Hungarian army is currently participating in two NATO missions outside the territory of the bloc — in Iraq and in Kosovo.

What is important to understand is that Alliance members actually have the right to refuse to participate in any military missions.

Orban does not want Hungary to participate in the defence of Ukraine

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the loud statements of the Hungarian Prime Minister were made against the background of the preparation of a new support package for Ukraine by NATO.

It is intended to be presented for the first time during the summit of the leaders of the member countries in Washington in July.

According to preliminary data, it is primarily about strengthening NATO's role at the operational level in coordinating the supply of weapons and training for Ukrainian forces.

According to Orban, his country is committed to NATO's mission to defend its members if one of them is attacked.

But Hungary is concerned that financing and supplying arms to Ukraine, which is not a NATO member, will eventually give way to greater military intervention, possibly even the introduction of troops,” Orban added.

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