Over 600 children were in Okhmatdyt during Russian missile strike, healthcare minister says
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Over 600 children were in Okhmatdyt during Russian missile strike, healthcare minister says

Ministry of Health of Ukraine

On July 8, the Russian Federation launched a missile strike on the National Children's Specialized Hospital "Okhmatdyt". 627 children were in the medical facility when a Russian missile hit it.

Points of attention

  • As a result of the Russian missile strike on "Okhmatdyt", a medical worker was killed, and 8 children were injured.
  • Doctors quickly organised the evacuation and transfer of the children to other medical institutions in Kyiv, where they will undergo treatment.
  • "Okhmatdyt" hospital suffered significant material losses from the shelling - medical buildings were damaged, and the work of some departments was stopped.
  • Ukrainian children who suffered from the attack of the Russian Federation will have the opportunity to be treated in Germany, which is an important step in assisting those who suffered from the aggression of the Russian Federation.

68 patients remained under treatment in the rest of the Okhmatdyt facilities

Eight minor patients were injured, and all of them were transported to other medical institutions.

A greater number of victims could be avoided only thanks to the coordinated work of the entire hospital staff and the fact that the patients were transferred to the shelter in time. I am grateful to everyone who, risking themselves, saved the most precious thing - our children. 30-year-old doctor Svitlana Lukyanchuk died while evacuating children. I express my sincere condolences to her relatives, colleagues, and patients. This is an irreparable loss.

Victor Lyashko

Victor Lyashko

Minister of Healthcare of Ukraine

Immediately after the tragedy, an operation was organised to transfer patients to other medical facilities in Kyiv. Thus, 94 children were taken to the city children's clinical hospitals No. 1, No. 2, No. 4, and No. 7, the Institute of Neurosurgery, the Center for Children's Cardiology and Cardiosurgery, the National Cancer Institute, the Perinatal Center No. 7, the clinics "Denys" and "Dobrobut". We are grateful to all the medical institutions that aided their colleagues in the most terrible time.

68 patients remained under treatment in the rest of the "Okhmatdyt" hospital's facilities.

465 children who needed planned treatment were examined and temporarily discharged home. Their parents are in contact.

As a result of the Russian terror strike on the "Okhmatdyt" hospital, the toxicology corps with the department of chronic and acute intoxications (where children are given dialysis) of the "Okhmatdyt" National Medical Center was destroyed.

Almost all the windows were broken in the old surgical building, two surgical and two somatic departments, the intensive care unit, and the operating room suffered significant damage.

In the new, recently constructed building, 12 departments were damaged, including 8 surgical departments, 5 oncological departments, two intensive care units, an operating room, and a radiology and radiation therapy department. Part of the country's only oncology and haematology laboratories was also damaged.

Okhmatdyt temporarily does not provide medical services to patients in the areas of "Toxicology" and "Emergency medical care". The trauma center also suspended work.

Germany will accept Ukrainian children for treatment after the Russian missile attack on "Okhmatdyt"

German Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach said that his country is ready to accept Ukrainian children for treatment after the Russian attack on the "Okhmatdyt" children's hospital in Kyiv.

According to him, Germany "will accept sick children who need it at any time." They will come for them already on Wednesday.

With a targeted attack on a children's hospital, Putin once again showed that he is a war criminal, added German Minister Karl Lauterbach.

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