Platoon commander Elshad "Khohol" Nurusov predicted the future of the Russia after the victory of Ukraine
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Platoon commander Elshad "Khohol" Nurusov predicted the future of the Russia after the victory of Ukraine

Elshad "Khokhol" Nurusov

Russia has almost no chance for a bright future after the defeat in the war with Ukraine. In an interview with Online.UA, the commander of the 23rd SSPB of the AFU, Elshad "Khokhol" Nurusov, shared this forecast.

Points of attention

  • The only scenario for the Russian Federation to escape from the abyss is to submit to another democratic state, for example, Ukraine.
  • Russians believe themselves to be invincible due to nuclear weapons and an upbringing that leads to cruelty and violence against other nations.
  • Elshad Nurusov urges not to believe in the myth of Russia's superpower, noting that most of the country's territory is just water and forests.
  • Analyzing Nurusov's forecasts, we can draw a conclusion about the complexity of the situation in Russian society and possible consequences after the conflict with Ukraine.

Russia is digging its own grave

The journalist asked the defense attorney if there is any possibility that the Russian Federation will become an adequate country after finally realizing all its crimes and the fact of defeat.

No. Will it not change at all? No. All the same, there is propaganda. There are a lot of people there. 140 million. As? This is impossible, "Khokhol" shared his opinion on this matter.

The defender also suggested that there is only one scenario that will help the Russian Federation to escape from the abyss.

It is about the fact that the aggressor country can obey another strong and democratic state and live according to its laws and rules.

For example, Ukraine. This will be absolutely wonderful. God grant. Although... No. I don't even want that. Here in Ukraine, we won't do... some kind of circus, we won't raise animals.

Elshad "Khokhol" Nurusov

Elshad "Khokhol" Nurusov

Platoon commander of the 23rd SSPB of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Why are Russians so cruel?

According to "Khokhol", one of the key reasons is upbringing.

In addition, the Russian people believe in their "invincibility", because they have nuclear weapons.

No one thinks about people's lives, how many people will die. They don't think about it at all... So they went to the parade on May 9. And what? It was not Russia that won the war (the Second World War - ed.) It was the Soviet Union that won. There was Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, everyone was there, right? And why does Russia celebrate this holiday? - Elshad Nurusov is interested.

He also urges not to believe the myth that Russia is a superpower, because most of its territory is just water and forests.

What is important to understand is that Russian propaganda tries in every way to rewrite history and facts, which is why in most Internet sources the word "Khokhol" is found in the meaning of "a derogatory name for a Ukrainian".

This information is not correct, because the etymology of this word is completely different:

  • Khokhol [Old Tyur. 𐰚𐰸𐰆𐰞, tour. kokol] means "son of heaven" in Turkic languages. "Kok" means "heaven", "ol" means "son" or "descendant".

  • Katsap [Arab. قَصَّاب‎ (ḳaṣṣāb)] means "butcher" in Arabic. As you know, this is how Russians are called in the countries of the post-Soviet Union for all the crimes they committed in different periods of their history.

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