Putin is a fake person with poor education, AFU company commander says
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Putin is a fake person with poor education, AFU company commander says

Oleksandr Yabchanka
Source:  online.ua

In an interview with Online.UA, the commander of the "Honor" company of the "Da Vinci Wolves" battalion, Oleksandr Yabchanka, shared his thoughts about who the illegitimate president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, really is.

Points of attention

  • Putin and his henchmen are fake people, poorly educated and prone to manipulation and lies.
  • Russians believe in fables about a powerful dictator, but he just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
  • Putin wants Ukraine to become part of the Russian system, which will be a threat to our country.

Putin and his entourage aren't who they say they're

As Oleksandr Yabchanka points out, Russians are used to believing in fables about the "almighty" Putin.

However, Ukrainians should never forget that the Russian dictator is a fake person. Moreover, he is highly uneducated.

An average KGB employee. Mediocre. So, the circumstances turned out that Putin was simply in the right place at the right time. In the end, he became the chief of the system. Together with such close-minded people as Patrushev, for example. Look what they are saying. In some articles, Patrushev told pure nonsense about the fact that the Americans need new territories. They say they liked Ukraine because there will be some volcanic eruption there. [It is] pure delusion.

Oleksandr Yabchanka

Oleksandr Yabchanka

Commander of the "Honor" company of the "Da Vinci Wolves" battalion

The "Honor" company commander noted that short-sighted people tend to believe in conspiracy theories, which is why Russians are so easy to manipulate and control.

Putin wants Ukraine to become part of the Russian system

As Oleksandr Yabchanka admits, he is surprised by the discussion about whose civilization was a thousand years ago.

However, in Russian reality, such absurd topics are discussed almost daily.

What do I mean? For example, I have never heard a debate between the Germans and the French about whose Charlemagne was. In general, it seems to me that if someone seriously, on a serious level, raised such a question and justified the invasion of a neighboring state with this, then everyone around would immediately twirl their finger at the temple and say that this person needs mental correction. And in Russia it is not like that, - emphasises the commander of the "Honor" company.

It is one of the arguments for attacking a sovereign country for the Kremlin.

Oleksandr Yabchanka says that once, in Russian show business, there was such a term—"people have it," but currently, it is relevant to the entire country.

However, the worst thing is not even that the Russians are not far away in terms of history.

The problem is that they are a rigid, centralized system, and Putin wants Ukraine to be part of it as well.

They want us to become part of this system. And, of course, I am not ready to live in the space of all this delusion.

Oleksandr Yabchanka

Oleksandr Yabchanka

Commander of the "Honor" company of the "Da Vinci Wolves" battalion

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